  • 1 # kattl2966

    “熱普”但是此時的熱要讀成平舌音,不能讀翹舌音。讀音:英 [zɪp]     美 [zɪp]釋義:n. 拉鍊n. 活力;飛射聲v. 拉拉鍊v. 颼颼飛過;注入活力1、She caught her hair in the zip of the dress.她的頭髮被裙子的拉鍊鉤住了。2、We need to put some zip into this presentation.我們需要為這次演出注人一些活力。3、Please help me to zip my dress on.請幫我把衣服的拉鍊拉上。4、Rifle fire zipped over them.步槍子彈在他們頭頂上颼颼飛馳。5、The zip sticked because it was caught by a thread.拉鍊被線卡住了, 拉不動。

  • 2 # 使用者7163089780528

    “熱普”但是此時的熱要讀成平舌音,不能讀翹舌音。 讀音: 英 [zɪp]     美 [zɪp] 釋義: n. 拉鍊 n. 活力;飛射聲 v. 拉拉鍊 v. 颼颼飛過;注入活力 例句:

    1、She caught her hair in the zip of the dress. 她的頭髮被裙子的拉鍊鉤住了。

    2、We need to put some zip into this presentation. 我們需要為這次演出注人一些活力。

    3、Please help me to zip my dress on. 請幫我把衣服的拉鍊拉上。

    4、Rifle fire zipped over them. 步槍子彈在他們頭頂上颼颼飛馳。

    5、The zip sticked because it was caught by a thread. 拉鍊被線卡住了, 拉不動。

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