It IS a big deal. Who are you texting 50 times a day? -IDK (I don"t know), my BFF (best friend forever) Jill. 當然有所謂。你每天給誰發50 次簡訊? - IDK(我不知道),我的BFF(最好朋友)吉爾。
Did you guys realise the younger Haomei is right-handed, whereas the older one is left-handed?Hahaha, Idk why I"m always looking out for these little details.你們有沒有發現, 之前的好美是右撇子,長大了的好美是左撇子?哈哈, 不知道為什麼老是喜歡注意這些小細節!
I don"t even want to comment, as Durant dunked the next possession and then blocked Russ. Idk how much of this I can take, making me sad af. 我甚至不想評論了,阿杜下個回合就是一個暴扣再送了威少一個帽。我還能承受多少這樣的鏡頭,藍瘦香菇。
Everyone is energetic this year to celebrate Children"s Day. Is it because that the day couple weeks later is the time to say goodbye?IDK. However, I know today is not our last Children"s Day. 今年的六一童鞋們特積極啊…是因為即將到來的別離麼…無論如何,今天不會是我們最後過的一個兒童節!
You"ve probably seen the great side of mommy while alone with her at tourney.idk?
是“I don’t know”的縮寫,聊天以及簡訊裡非常常見的簡單回覆。
It IS a big deal. Who are you texting 50 times a day? -IDK (I don"t know), my BFF (best friend forever) Jill. 當然有所謂。你每天給誰發50 次簡訊? - IDK(我不知道),我的BFF(最好朋友)吉爾。
Did you guys realise the younger Haomei is right-handed, whereas the older one is left-handed?Hahaha, Idk why I"m always looking out for these little details.你們有沒有發現, 之前的好美是右撇子,長大了的好美是左撇子?哈哈, 不知道為什麼老是喜歡注意這些小細節!
I don"t even want to comment, as Durant dunked the next possession and then blocked Russ. Idk how much of this I can take, making me sad af. 我甚至不想評論了,阿杜下個回合就是一個暴扣再送了威少一個帽。我還能承受多少這樣的鏡頭,藍瘦香菇。
Everyone is energetic this year to celebrate Children"s Day. Is it because that the day couple weeks later is the time to say goodbye?IDK. However, I know today is not our last Children"s Day. 今年的六一童鞋們特積極啊…是因為即將到來的別離麼…無論如何,今天不會是我們最後過的一個兒童節!
You"ve probably seen the great side of mommy while alone with her at tourney.idk?