  • 1 # 娛樂一起轉


    1. Rose Is Back -- Rose (Lily James) left for America with Atticus (Matt Barber) at the end of “Downton Abbey” Season 5, but she’ll come home for the holidays. “It was amazing going back after a break,” James told the U.K. edition of Harper’s Bazaar. “You are just totally reinspired by the wonder of it, that grand house against gray skies and all the friends you haven’t seen in so long.”


    2. Sisterly Bonding -- Will “Downton Abbey” conclude with Mary (Michelle Dockery) and Edith (Laura Carmichael) getting along at last? The synopsis teased that Edith may finally come clean in the series finale.


    3. A Possible Wedding -- Edith just might be heading down the aisle. A prop wedding program was found, and it supposedly revealed that Edith is marrying Bertie (Harry Hadden-Paton). The Wrap reported that his mother (Patricia Hodge) was cast for the series finale, and it seems unlikely a new face would be introduced in the last episode without a good reason. A wedding would definitely make his mother a necessary character.


    4. Barrow’s Goodbye -- Barrow’s exit will be an emotional one. Despite all his schemes, it looks like the Downton crew really will miss him. “I arrived as a boy. I leave as a man,” Barrow says.


    5. New Year’s Eve -- The Christmas special will take viewers through to the new year as well. Jim Carter, who plays Carson, already spoiled that the episode would conclude on New Year’s Eve. “All the servants are together in the hall,” Carter told.


    6. Possible Open Ending -- Although the “Downton Abbey” series finale is expected to wrap up all the major plotlines, there might still be room for more stories. Showrunner Julian Fellowes confirmed he is writing a script for a continuation on film, but the movie hasn’t gotten the green light to be made yet. “This holds a great deal of interest for me, because I still have more to say with ‘Downton.’ I see this transitioning to film quite well, and I certainly am the person to tell this story.”


  • 2 # 大壯侃大山

    帕特莫爾開的小旅館由於入住了一對品行不端的客人而被宣揚為“風月場所”。由於伯蒂佩勒姆的表親突然離世,伯蒂將成為赫克瑟姆侯爵。大家都為伊迪斯感到高興,只有瑪麗似乎不太開心。早餐時瑪麗和伊迪斯針鋒相對,被伊迪斯激怒的瑪麗說出了瑪麗哥爾德是伊迪斯親生女兒的事實,伯蒂離席。對生活失去希望的托馬斯決定自 殺,幸好被巴克斯特察覺到了異常,救下了他。老夫人回來,並解開了瑪麗的心結,瑪麗接受了亨利,伊迪斯也回來參加婚禮。

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