1 # zorn002
2 # a不會愛的小笨蛋
I remembered that is wonderful as soon as flickers:Appeared you in mine front,Some like appears briefly fantasy,Has like the chaste America’s angel.我記得那美妙的一瞬,在我的面前出現了你,有如曇花一現的幻想,有如純潔至美的精靈。In that hopeless sad suffering,Makes noise in that in ostentatious life puzzle,Nearby my ear for a long time is making a sound your gentlesound,I also see your lovable beautiful figure in the sleep.在那無望的憂愁的折磨中,在那喧鬧的浮華生活的困擾中,我的耳邊長久地響著你溫柔的聲音,我還在睡夢中見到你可愛的倩影。Many years have passed by, storm smileHas scattered the former days dream,Thereupon I have put behind your gentle sound,許多年過去了,暴風驟雨般的激情。驅散了往日的夢想,於是我忘卻了你溫柔的聲音,還有你那天仙似的的倩影。In the remote place, in the gloomy life which imprisons,My day such calmly dissipates,The insincere person, does not have the poem the inspiration,Without the tear, does not have the life, also does not havethe love.在窮鄉僻壤,在囚禁的陰暗生活中,我的日子就那樣靜靜地消逝,沒有傾心的人,沒有詩的靈感,沒有眼淚,沒有生命,也沒有愛情。Now the mind starts to regain consciousness:Has illusory image which like appears briefly,Has like the chaste America’s angel.如今心靈又開始甦醒:在我面前又重新出現了你,有如曇花一現的Phantom,有如純潔至美的天仙。參考資料經典英語詩歌帶翻譯欣賞閱讀:
羅伊克里夫特的《愛》,我是在520那天在“為你讀詩”那裡聽到了這首詩,在最好的朋友生日那天,已經寫給她看。奢望有一天,我能讀給愛人聽……Love by Roy CroftI love you,Not for what you are,But for what I amWhen I am with you.I love you,Not only for whatYou have made of yourself,But for whatYou are making of me.I love youFor the part of meThat you bring out;I love youFor putting your handInto my heaped-up heartAnd passing overAll the foolish, weak thingsThat you can’t helpDimly seeing there,And for drawing outInto the lightAll the beautiful belongingsThat no one else had lookedQuite far enough to find.I love you because youAre helping me to makeOf the lumber of my lifeNot a tavernBut a temple;Out of the worksOf my every dayNot a reproachBut a song.I love youBecause you have doneMore than any creedCould have doneTo make me goodAnd more than any fateCould have doneTo make me happy.You have done itWithout a touch,Without a word,Without a sign.You have done itBy being yourself.Perhaps that is whatBeing a friend means,After all.我愛你,不光因為你的樣子,還因為,和你在一起時,我的樣子。我愛你,不光因為你為我而做的事,還因為,為了你,我能做成的事。我愛你,因為你能喚出,我最真的那部分。我愛你,因為你穿越我心靈的曠野,如同Sunny穿越水晶般容易。我的傻氣,我的弱點,在你的目光裡幾乎不存在。而我心裡最美麗的地方,卻被你的光芒照得通亮。別人都不曾費心走那麼遠,別人都覺得尋找太麻煩,所以沒人發現過我的美麗,所以沒人到過這裡。我愛你,因為你將我的生活化腐朽為神奇。因為有你,我的生命,不再是平凡的旅店,而成為了恢弘的廟宇,我日復一日的工作裡,不再充滿抱怨,而是美妙的旋律。我愛你,因為你比信念更能使我的生活變得無比美好,因為你比命運更能使我的生活變得充滿歡樂。而你做出這一切的一切,不費一絲力氣,一句言辭,一個暗示,你做出這一切的一切,只是因為你就是你,畢竟,這也許就是朋友的含義。