  • 1 # 全是表情包

    應該是這個,Dangerous 危險The way she came into the place,I knew right then and there她走進來,所踩的步伐,那時那刻,即讓我發覺

  • 2 # 音樂大精靈

    Dangerous 危險The way she came into the place,I knew right then and there她走進來,所踩的步伐,那時那刻,即讓我發覺there was something different about this girl這女孩兒與眾不同The way she moved, her hair, her face, her lines她的步調,她的秀髮,她的容顏,她優雅的線條Divinity in motion一舉一動似有某種神力As she stalked the room, I could feel the aura of her presence她一踏進,我便察覺,她存在的氣息Every head turned feeling passion and lust人人回首,妄想痴心The girl was persuasive, the girl I could not trust這女孩兒太會蠱惑人心,她,我是萬不能相信The girl was bad, the girl was dangerous這女孩兒讓人神魂顛倒,可是危險得很I never know but I was walking in line我心知肚明,但我仍踏上了警戒線"Come go with me", I said I have no time“跟我來吧”,我說我沒時間She said ,"Don"t you pretend we didn"t talk on the phone"她說,“我們不是曾透過電話,不要推託再三”My baby cried, she left me standing aloneMy baby 聞言,心傷淚下,轉身離去,留我一人呆站其間。She"s so dangerous, the girl is so dangerous太危險,這女孩實在危險Take away my money, throw away my time拿走我的錢,浪費我的時間You can call me honey but you"re no damn good for me你可以叫我Honey,但你對我一點兒該死的好處也沒有She came at me in sections with the eyes of desire在街區,她向我走來,慾望烈焰眼中燃燒I fell trapped into her web of sin我落入她所織構的罪惡之網A touch, a kiss, a whisper of love,一下輕撫,一次熱吻,一聲柔情蜜意的低語I was at the point of no return, deep in the darkness of passion"s insanity我邁向了不歸路,深陷於瘋狂痴迷的黑暗之中I felt taken by lust"s strange inhumanity被某種怪異而非理性的貪婪衝昏了頭腦This girl was persuasive, this girl I could not trust 這女孩兒太會蠱惑人心,她,我是萬不能相信The girl was bad, the girl was dangerous這女孩兒讓人神魂顛倒,可是危險得很I never knew but I was living in vain我從未想過,會落到那般境地She called my house and she know my name她來到我家中,並聲稱,她知道我的名字"And don"t you pretend you never did me before"“不要裝做我們不曾在一起”With tears in her eyes, my baby walked out the door眼中噙淚,My baby奪門離去She"s so dangerous, the girl is so dangerous太危險,這女孩實在危險Take away my money, throw away my time拿走我的錢,浪費我的時間You can call me honey but you"re no damn good for me你可以叫我Honey,但你對我一點兒該死的好處也沒有Dangerous, the girl is so dangerous危險,這女孩太危險I have to pray to God, "cause I know how lust can blind我只得祈禱上蒼,因為我知道,貪婪是如何地使人心智矇蔽It"s a passion in my soul是有種衝動,隱匿於我的靈魂中But you"re no damn lover /friend of mine但你該死的決不是我的lover更不是我的朋友 I cannot sleep alone tonight, my baby left me here tonight今晚我難以入眠,my baby 留我一人形孤影單I cannot cope"til it all right我輾轉反側直到意識逐漸飄遠You and your manipulation, you hurt my baby你喜歡別人受你擺佈,你把我的 baby深深地傷害And then it happened, she touched me就那麼發生了,她在我身上輕撫For the lips of a strange woman drop as a honeycomb這陌生的女人,覆上了如蜜的雙唇And her mouth was smoother than oil, But her inner spirit and words were sharp as a two-edged sword比油還滑的嘴裡,吐出的言詞,以及她的內在心靈,卻鋒利得似雙刃劍But I loved it "cause it"s dangerous但是恰恰因為險象環生,我喜歡She"s so dangerous, the girl is so dangerous太危險,這女孩實在危險Take away my money, throw away my time拿走我的錢,浪費我的時間You can call me honey but you"re no damn good for me你可以叫我Honey,但你對我是一點兒該死的好處也沒有Dangerous, the girl is so dangerous危險,這女孩太危險I have to pray to God, "cause I know how lust can blind我只得祈禱上蒼,因為我知道貪婪如何使人心智矇蔽It"s a passion in my soul靈魂中是有種衝動But you"re no damn lover /friend of mine但你該死的決不是我的lover更不是我的朋友She"s so dangerous, the girl is so dangerous太危險,這女孩實在危險

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