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    穀雨的英文名為“Grain Rain”,其中grain有穀物、糧食之意,rain為雨水。此外穀雨也稱為“第六節氣”,英文名為“6th solar term”,6th 即sixth,譯為第六;solarterm是固定片語,譯為節氣。偶爾也有人把節氣翻譯為“solar period”,因為period和term都有時期之意。

    The English name of Guyu is"Grain Rain", which Gumeans grains, Yu means rains . In addition, Guyu is also known as the "6thJie qi", English called "6th solar term", Solar term is a fixedphrase. Jieqi is also sometimes referred to as "solar period",because both period and term have the meaning of time.


    Guyu was originated from the ancient version "raingerminate all grains", every April 19th to 21st, the sun reaches 30degrees in longitude is Guyu, it is the so-called "Qingming off the snow,Guyu off the frost". When the Guyu is coming, it means that the coldweather has basically ended, the temperature rises faster, which is benefit forthe growth of cereal crops.


    Picking tea is a custom in Guyu in the south of China. It’ssaid that drinking tea in Guyu will help people clear away heat, exorcise evilspirits and improving eyesight. So no matter what the weather is like in Guyuthis day, people will go to pick some new tea to drink. In the north of Chinapeople eat Chinese to on as a custom in Guyu, so we also say Chinese to on istender as silk in Guyu.




    You get angry and traveler, warm spring. Farmingfrogs, back in the grass.

    The only place out of the grain, not warmingwind. Zi Yu and to go, should pity not poor.




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