  • 1 # 科技小升

    make a living(謀生)後面可以根據不同情況加各種介詞或不用加介詞。


    1、She was forced to leave home and make a living doing needlework.她被迫離開家,靠做針線活來餬口。

    2、your capacities are developed to enable you to make a living within the pattern.提高能力使你能夠在這個模式中謀生。

    3、It is not easy to make a living in a society of fierce competitions.在競爭激烈的社會里,謀生並不是一件很容易的事情。

    4、He began to make a living in the age of 14.


    5、She tries to make a living by selling grisly pictures, books and DVDs of thedisaster scene in her native Beichuan.在家鄉北川,她靠賣地震相關的照片、書籍和DVD為生。

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