  • 1 # 哎呦喂10880

    上面這位朋友給出的英文歌詞並不準確。 英文歌詞: Should auld acquaintance be forgot,    And never brought to mind?    Should auld acquaintance be forgot    And days of auld lang syne?    For auld lang syne, my dear,    For auld lang syne,    We‘ll take a cup of kindness yet    For auld lang syne.    And here‘s a hand, my trusty friend,    And gie‘s a hand of thine;    We‘ll take a cup of kindness yet For auld lang syne.   For auld lang syne, my dear,    For auld lang syne,    We‘ll take a cup of kindness yet For auld lang syne. music... Should auld acquaintance be forgot,    And never brought to mind?    Should auld acquaintance be forgot    And days of auld lang syne?    For auld lang syne, my dear,    For auld lang syne,    We‘ll take a cup of kindness yet    For auld lang syne. music...    And here‘s a hand, my trusty friend,    And gie‘s a hand of thine;    We‘ll take a cup of kindness yet For auld lang syne.   For auld lang syne, my dear,    For auld lang syne,    We‘ll take a cup of kindness yet For auld lang syne. For auld lang syne,    We‘ll take a cup of kindness yet For auld lang syne 中文歌詞: 怎能忘記舊日朋友 心中能不歡笑 舊日朋友豈能相忘 友誼地久天長 友誼萬歲朋友友誼萬歲 舉杯痛飲同聲歌頌友誼地久天長 我們曾經終日遊蕩在故鄉的青山上 我們也曾歷盡苦辛到處奔波流浪 友誼萬歲朋友友誼萬歲 舉杯痛飲同聲歌頌友誼地久天長 music...... 我們也匆匆日逍遙蕩槳在微波上 當如今已經勞燕分飛 遠隔大海重洋 友誼萬歲萬歲朋友友誼萬歲 舉杯痛飲同聲歌頌友誼地久天長 我們往日情意相投 讓我們緊握手 讓我們來舉杯暢飲 友誼地久天長 友誼萬歲萬歲朋友友誼萬歲 舉杯痛飲同聲歌頌友誼地久天長 友誼萬歲萬歲朋友友誼萬歲 舉杯痛飲同聲歌頌友誼地久天長 友誼萬歲萬歲朋友友誼萬歲 舉杯痛飲同聲歌頌友誼地久天長 本題回答認真程度:100%

  • 2 # 手機使用者73444801003

    《Auld Lang Syne》<友誼地久天長> Should auld acquaintance be forgot,怎能忘記舊日朋友And never brought to mind?心中能不懷想Should auld acquaintance be forgot舊日朋友豈能相忘And days of auld lang syne?友誼地久天長For auld lang syne, my dear,友誼萬歲 朋友For auld lang syne,友誼萬歲We’ll take a cup o’ kindness yet舉杯痛飲Should auld acquaintance be forgot,同聲歌頌友誼地久天長We twa hae run aboot the braes我們曾經終日遊蕩And pou’d the gowans fine在故鄉的青山上We’ve wander’d mony a weary foot我們也曾歷盡苦辛Sin’ auld lang syne.到處奔波流浪For auld lang syne, my dear,友誼萬歲 朋友For auld lang syne,友誼萬歲We’ll take a cup o’ kindness yet舉杯痛飲Should auld acquaintance be forgot,同聲歌頌友誼地久天長We two hae paidled i’ the burn,我們也曾終日逍遙Frae mornin’ sun till dine;蕩槳在微波上But seas between us braid hae roar’d但如今已經勞燕分飛Sin"auld lang syne. 遠隔大海重洋For auld lang syne, my dear,友誼萬歲 萬歲朋友For auld lang syne,友誼萬歲We’ll take a cup o’ kindness yet舉杯痛飲Should auld acquaintance be forgot,同聲歌頌友誼地久天長And here’s a hand, my trusty friend,我們往日情意相投Andgie’s a hand o’ thine;讓我們緊握手We’ll take a cup o’ kindness yet讓我們來舉杯暢飲Should auld acquaintance be forgot,友誼地久天長For auld lang syne, my dear,友誼萬歲 萬歲朋友For auld lang syne,友誼萬歲We’ll take a cup o’ kindness yet舉杯痛飲 同聲歌頌For auld lang syne.友誼地久天長For auld lang syne, my dear,友誼萬歲 萬歲朋友For auld lang syne,友誼萬歲We’ll take a cup o’ kindness yet舉杯痛飲 同聲歌頌Should auld acquaintance be forgot,友誼地久天長For auld lang syne, my dear,友誼萬歲 萬歲朋友For auld lang syne,友誼萬歲We’ll take a cup o’ kindness yet舉杯痛飲 同聲歌頌Should auld acquaintance be forgot,友誼地久天長拓展資料《魂斷藍橋》是一部風靡全球近半個世紀的美國愛情故事片,也是西方電影在東方獲得成功的經典,是一部風靡全球半個多世紀的好萊塢戰爭體裁的愛情故事片。漫步在滑鐵盧橋上,迎面春風微拂,腳下流水潺潺,身旁車輛穿梭.此時此景不免再次令人想起"天長地久有時盡,此恨綿綿無絕期"的《魂斷藍橋》。 它之所以讓人屏息凝神,更重要的是生命中愛的永恆使人心馳神往.女主角不僅把生命留在了這座橋上,還把自己的愛情信念和靈魂一同埋葬在這座橋上《魂斷藍橋》之所以讓人屏息凝神,不是因為硝煙中的愛情讓人沉醉,而是愛情的悽美讓人蕩氣迴腸。他不僅僅是向人們展示了愛的真諦,更重要的是向人召喚著和平的珍貴和戰爭的罪惡.如果沒有戰爭,如果處在和平年代,洛伊和麥娜一定會白頭偕老,過著幸福的生活.珍惜今天的美好時光,不要讓他們的悲劇再次重演.今天又讓自己走進了《魂斷藍橋》的經典劇場,去感受那人生真情的摯愛…

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