  • 1 # ztpss39409

    get into hot water英文發音: [ɡet ˈɪntə hɒt ˈwɔːtə(r)]中文釋義:陷入困境例句:You must sit down and get that homework done, or you"ll get into hot water at school tomorrow.你必須坐下來做完作業,要不明天上學就會有麻煩的。詞彙解析:get into英文發音:[ɡet ˈɪntə]中文釋義:進入;陷入例句:How did we get into this recession, and what can we do to get out of it?我們是怎樣陷入這次經濟衰退的,又該做些什麼才能從中擺脫呢?擴充套件資料get into的近義詞:

    1、fall into英文發音:[fɔːl ˈɪntə]中文釋義:陷入例句:I always fall into a dream, which I am with you.我總是會陷入曾經的夢境,曾經還和你在一起的日子。

    2、sink into英文發音:[sɪŋk ˈɪntə]中文釋義:陷入; 沉入例句:She"d sometimes sink into depression她有時會陷入憂鬱之中。

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