  • 1 # 影片好笑

      partner exchange的意思是:合作伙伴交換。  雙語例句  

    1、He warns against doing something for a partner only when you want something in exchange.  Hendrix警告的是那些為伴侶做某件事只是為了交換另一件事的人。  

    2、The imbalance in international payments of China represents as the continuous expansion of “ double surpluses ”, which result in the rapid increase of foreign exchange reserve and negative effect for Chinese economic stability and sustainable development, including the rise in trade frictions with the trade partner countries and China ’ s foreign exchange reserves.  中國國際收支的不平衡表現為雙順差的持續擴大,導致中國外匯儲備規模不斷擴大,同時也給中國經濟的穩定和持續發展帶來許多消極影響,如:增加中國與其他貿易國的貿易摩擦,貿易順差與外資流入共同增大了中國外匯儲備。  

    3、At times, a business receives XML from a partner or customer as part of an agreed-to exchange format or industry standard.  有時候,企業可能會從合作伙伴或者客戶那裡接收到作為商定的交換格式或者行業標準的XML。

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