  • 1 # 只說自己愛看的電視劇

    My love has gone away 吾愛已遠走

    Quietly after a hundered days 悄然逝去 百日之後

    This is what’s she has always said she won’t stay 她一再地說 她不會留戀

    For more than what she can repay 因為她覺得 她無以為報

    I can still hear her say 餘音 猶在耳邊

    There that I’m not hearing tender play 在這 溫柔笑語卻不在

    The day she let me kiss her was a display 那天 原來只是一場吻戲

    Of love to those who she betray 給她深愛卻背叛著的某人看

    How can I put someone to the test 可我怎麼會考驗某人

    When I thought I got the best 當我找到真愛時

    Untill the taste of bitterness then I regret 至品味苦澀 才追悔莫及

    But still that I won’t detest 但絕不因愛生恨

    The love I can’t forget 此情 難以忘懷

    Like someone who has left 就像某人 猶在左右

    How can I leave someone for the rest 離你而去 無法自拔

    When I’m alone facing the best 獨自面對 曾經最美

    Untill the take some try to reason I regret 至明白真相 才追悔莫及

    Who I can never forget 誰 我難以忘懷

    Like someone I once meet 就像某人如初見

    About betrayal 關於背叛:

    If the world betrayed you 假如這世界背叛了你

    I will stand behind you 我將站在你身後

    Betraying the world 背叛全世界

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