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    當生物體死亡後,新陳代謝停止,由於碳-14的不斷衰變減少,因此體內碳-14和碳-12含量的相對比值相應不斷減少.透過對生物體出土化石中碳-14和碳-12含量的測定,就可以準確算出生物體死亡(即生存)的年代.例如某一生物體出土化石,經測定含碳量為M克(或碳-12的質量),按自然界碳的各種同位素含量的相對比值可計算出,生物體活著時,體內碳-14的質量應為 m克.但實際測得體內碳-14的質量內只有m克的八分之一,根據半衰期可知生物死亡已有了3個5730年了,即已死亡了一萬七千二百九十年了.美國放射化學家W.F.利比因發明了放射性測年代的方法,為考古學做出了傑出貢獻而榮獲1960年諾貝爾化學獎.




    自 20世紀 40年代,就開始了碳-14標記化合物的研製、生產和應用.由於碳是構成有機物三大重要元素之一,碳-14半衰期長,β期線能量較低,空氣中最大射程 22cm,屬於低毒核素,所以碳-14標記化合物產品應用範圍廣.至80年代,國際上以商品形式出售的碳-14標記化合物,包括了氨基酸、多肽、蛋白質、糖類、核酸類、類脂類、類固醇類及醫學研究用的神經藥物、受體、維生素和其他藥物等,品種已達近千種,約佔所有放射性標記化合物的一半.




    Because of its nuclear spin properties (spin +1/2, just like the hydrogen atom), this isotope responds to a resonant radiofrequency(RF) signal. The absorption and emission of the RF signal by the nuclei can be monitored and detected using NMR spectroscopy, a technique that gives information on the the identity and number of atoms adjacent to other atoms in said molecule = thereby giving clues to the structure of an organic molecule. C-12 has zero spin and does give a signal in NMR and since only 1% of the atoms in a molecule are C-13, it is unlikely that carbon-carbon coupling is seen and acquiring a carbon-13 NMR spectrum can take much time, often a couple of minutes or hours, because many scans have to be added together in order to have results distinguishable from background noise.

    Detection by mass spectroscopy A mass spectrogram of an organic compound will usually contain a small peak of one mass unit greater than the apparent molecular ion peak (M). This is known as the M+1 peak and originates due to the presence of carbon-13 atoms. A molecule containing one carbon atom will be expected to have an M+1 peak of approximately 1.1% of the size of the M peak as 1.1% of the carbon atoms will be carbon-13 rather than carbon-12. Similarly a molecule containing two carbon atoms will be expected to have an M+1 peak of approximately 2.2% of the size of the M peak, as there is double the previous likelihood that a molecule will contain a carbon-13 atom.

    In the above the mathematics and chemistry have been simplified, however it can be used effectively to give the number of carbon atoms for small to medium sized organic molecules. In the following formula the result should be rounded to the nearest integer:

    C = number of C atoms X = amplitude of the M ion peak Y = amplitude of the M+1 ion peak

    Carbon-13-enriched compounds are used in the research of metabolic processes by means of mass spectroscopy. Such compounds are safe because they are non-radioactive.en:Carbon-13 fi:Hiili-13




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