  • 1 # 美味疙瘩湯


  • 2 # 海洋老師Cluise






  • 3 # Dave中國英語界第一人

    Working Among Females



    -an improvised work @Troll ABC

    By Dave, No. 1 Soul in China’s English World 中國英語世界第一人



    What is it like to work in an office with all the others being female?


    I guess some MEN here in this group might be working in such an office. But none of them dares to share with us cuz he"s a little bitch of all the women there!


    Never belittle Chinese women. They have no problems to manipulate their bosses or managers in the office. In at least 60 percent of Chinse family, women are the fucking leader of their family.


    Herein, I have to thank all the Chinese females cuz they"re contributing to this country!!! A lot of them are employed.


    In East Asian countries like Japan and South Korea, maybe women don"t have to work at all. So, they were made to be slaves of men. I think they deserve it. Do we have any fucking Japanese or Korean women here? I honestly don"t think so!


    And in the Muslim world, of course, women are not allowed to work. They even have to wear a veil (hijab). What is it called again? I"m gonna check it up. So, they"re not allowed to expose their face at all! We might think it is ridiculous. But we respect their fucking tradition. That is all.


    When in Rome, do as the Romans do. I have to say the pathetic Masud is doing very well. Cuz he cannot afford his fucking daughter and his Chinese wife, a Muslim, the woman has to work in a Chinese fucking factory! Cheer up, Masud. You might be a loser in the Muslim world. But people take it as normal in China. It"s not a shame for you. You have to stay tough to go through your problems.


    Why did the western world use to prosper? And actually, they"re still prospering though China is catching up! The secret lies in here. Females are emancipated in the fucking labor market.


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    在此,我要感謝所有為國家做出貢獻的中國女性!! 他們中的很多人都有工作。


    在日本和南韓等東亞國家,也許女性根本不需要工作。所以,他們成為了男人的奴隸。我認為這是她們活該。我們這群裡有他媽的日本或南韓女人嗎? 老實說,我不這麼認為!


    當然,在穆斯林世界,女性是不允許工作的。他們甚至必須戴面紗。它叫什麼來著? 我去查一下。所以,他們根本不允許露出他們的臉! 我們可能會認為這很荒謬。但我們尊重他們的傳統。就這些。


    入鄉隨俗。我不得不說可憐的馬蘇德做得很好。因為他養不起他的女兒和他的中國妻子,一個穆斯林,這個女人必須在中國工廠工作! 振作起來, 馬蘇德。在穆斯林世界,你可能是個失敗者。但在中國,人們認為這很正常。這不是你的恥辱。你必須堅強地面對困難。


    為什麼西方世界曾經繁榮? 事實上,儘管中國正在迎頭趕上,但他們仍然繁榮昌盛! 秘密就在這裡。女性在該死的勞動力市場被解放了。


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