  • 1 # 湯圓電影Vlog

    脖子英語:neck,發音為: [nek]


    詞性:n. 脖子;衣領;海峽;vt. 使變細;與…摟著脖子親吻;vi. 摟著脖子親吻;變狹窄;n. (Neck)人名;(德、意、英)內克。短語:neck and neck 並駕齊驅,不分上下bottle neck 瓶頸pain in the neck 極討厭的人或事stiff neck 脖子發僵,斜頸;頑固之人neck of the woods 附近一帶up to one"s neck 手邊的事情太多neck down 收縮…使成頸狀neck and crop 乾脆;徹底地by a neck 以毫釐之差 welding neck 對焊roll neck 輥頸neck ring 項圈,頸環axle neck 軸頸welding neck flange 對焊法蘭shaft neck 軸頸造句:1、Imagine this energy moving up through your neck and into your head, calming and energizing every cell in your body. 想象這個能量穿過你的脖子向上移動進入你的頭部,使你身體的每個細胞都平靜下來並重新通電。2、One in three employees with a commute longer than 90 minutes say they have had recurring neck or back pain within in the past 12 months. 在上下班時間超過90分鐘的僱員裡面,有三分之一的人表示在過去的12個月裡經常發生脖子或者背痛。3、Sure, it will cost a little bit more in product costs, but you’ll be so glad when it prolongs the dreaded turkey neck! 當然,它將在產品上花費多一點點的,但是當它延長了那可怕的火雞脖子的時候,你會能夠很開心的。4、Most of my height comes from my long neck. 我大部分的身高主要來自於我的長脖子。5、Wear an open shirt, and touch your neck and collarbone. 穿一件開襟襯衫,撫摸自己的脖子和鎖骨。

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