  • 1 # 使用者5120111836029

    gladhappy and pleased about something alivefull of energy and feeling happy and excitedpleasedhappy and satisfied contenthappy and satisfied with your life satisfiedpleased with what has happened or with what you have achievedcontentedhappy and satisfied with your lifecheerfulbehaving in a happy friendly way carefreehappy and without any worries, problems, or responsibilitiesexuberanthappy, excited, and full of energydelightedvery happy, especially because something good has happenedexcitedvery happy and enthusiastic because something good is going to happen, especially when this makes you unable to relaxsunnyhappyjollyfriendly and cheerfultriumphantshowing that you are very pleased or excited about a victory or successrelievedhappy and relaxed because something bad has not happened or because a bad situation has endedecstaticextremely happy or pleasedjoyfulvery happy cheeryfeeling or showing happinessfulfilledhappy and satisfied, especially because you are doing something important or using your abilitiestouchedfeeling happy or emotional, for example because someone has been very kind or because a situation is sadjovialcheerful and friendly bubblylively, happy, and friendlyjubilantextremely happy because something good has happenedeuphoricfeeling extremely happy, usually for a short time onlyoverjoyedextremely pleasedchirpyhappy and livelythrilledvery pleased and excitedgleefulhappy and excited, often because of someone else"s bad luckflatteredfeeling pleased that someone notices and admires youelatedextremely happy and excitedupliftedfeeling happier or more hopeful joyfulexpressing great happiness exuberantshowing happiness, excitement, and energyfondlywith positive or happy feelingsbuoyantfeeling happy and confident deliriousextremely happy and excited giddyvery excited and happy brighthappy and lively bouncyhappy, lively, and enthusiastichighvery happy or excited goodfeeling happy exhilaratedextremely happy, excited, and full of energytickled(informal) pleasedebullient(formal) very happy and enthusiastic upbeat(informal) happy and positive because you are confident that you will get what you want perky(informal) lively and happy exultant(formal) very pleased and excited, especially about something that you have achieved rumbustious(British) noisy, lively, and happy chipper(informal) feeling happy and full of energy and hope blissed out(informal) extremely happy, especially as a result of taking an illegal drug exalted(formal) extremely happy and proud light-heartedhappy and not worried about anythingjocund(literary) happy and cheerfulrambunctious(mainly American) rumbustious enraptured(literary) enjoying something very much chuffed(British informal) very pleased about something merry(old-fashioned) happy and lively blithe(literary) happy and not worried about anything intoxicated(literary) feeling so excited or happy about something that you cannot think clearly seraphic(literary) happy and satisfied gay(old-fashioned) happy and excited rapt(Australian) informal very happy and pleased以上都是形容詞。

  • 2 # 使用者2458114238191884

    nice表示友善,有好的意思時,跟 kind同義,表示好的時候,比如天氣好之類的,跟 good或well同義

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 前幾天在討論墨茶的事情,這幾天突然就沒了。發生了什麼事情?