  • 1 # 被囚禁的王者

    Never Had A Dream Come 從未夢想成真 verybody"s got something They had to leave behind 每個人都不得不放棄一些東西。 One regret from yesterday That just seems to grow with time 昨天殘留在心中的遺憾今天好象令人更加痛苦。 There"s no use looking back or wondering 回憶過去沒有意義, How it could be now or might have been 想象我們現在會怎樣或可能會怎樣也是徒勞無功。 All this I know but still I can"t find ways To let you go 這些我都知道,但是我就是沒有辦法忘記你。 I never had a dream come true Till the day that found you 直到遇見你,我才夢想成真。 Even though I pretend that I moved on 雖然我假裝繼續生活下去, You"ll always be my baby 但是我會永遠記得你。 I never found the words to say You"re the one I think about each day 我無法形容我的心情,我每天都在想你。 And I know no matter where life takes me to A part of me will always be with you. 不論我身在合處,你總會在我心中。 Somewhere in my memory I"ve lost all sense of time 在我記憶的某個地方, 時間好象已經不存在了. And tomorrow can never be Cause yesterday is all that fills my mind 我無法想象明天, 因為我的心已被過去添滿. There"s no use looking back or wondering 回憶過去沒有意義, How it could be now or might have been 想象我們現在會怎樣或可能會怎樣也是徒勞無功。 All this I know but still I can"t find ways To let you go 這些我都知道,但是我就是沒有辦法忘記你。 I never had a dream come true Till the day that found you 直到遇見你,我才夢想成真。 Even though I pretend that I moved on 雖然我假裝繼續生活下去, You"ll always be my baby 但是我會永遠記得你。 I never found the words to say You"re the one I think about each day 我無法形容我的心情,我每天都在想你。 And I know no matter where life takes me to A part of me will always be with you. 不論我身在合處,你總會在我心中。 You"ll always be the dream That 11)fills my head 你就是我所有的夢想, You"ll always be the one Iknow I"ll never forget 我知道你就是那個我永遠不會忘記的人。 It"s no use looking back or wondering 回憶過去沒有意義, Because love is a strange and funny thing 因為愛情就是一件奇特美妙的事情。 No matter how I try and try 無論我怎樣努力, I just can"t say goodbye 就是說不出再見。

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