  • 1 # 英語師範教育
    adapt, adjust, fit, suit, match表示“使適合”有何區別?讓我們先來看看adapt, adjust, fit, suit, match五個詞的英漢雙解釋義,然後再進行區分。adapt /əˈdæpt/ v.

    (a) adapt something (for something): make something suitable for a new use, situation, etc.; modify something 使某事物適合於新的用途﹑ 情況等; 修改某事物

    This machine has been specially adapted for use underwater. 這機器是為水下使用而特別改裝的。

    These styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes. 這些式樣均可改動以適應個人不同的愛好。

    (b) adapt something (for something) (from something): alter or modify (a text) for television, the stage, etc. (為電視﹑ 舞臺等)改編或改寫(稿本)

    This novel has been adapted for radio (i.e. translated and changed so that it can be presented on the radio) from the Russian original. 這部小說已由俄文原著改編成無線電廣播節目(經翻譯及改寫後可於無線電中播放)。

    adjust /əˈdʒʌst/ v.

    (a) put (something) into the correct order or position; arrange 整理; 整頓; 安排

    She carefully adjusted her clothes and her hair before going out. 她出門之前仔細地整了整衣服和頭髮。

    (b) alter (something) by a small amount so that it will fit or be right for use; regulate 校準; 調準; 校正

    adjust the rear mirror, the focus of a camera, the sights of a gun 調準後視鏡﹑ 照相機的焦距﹑ 槍炮的瞄準器

    The brakes need adjusting. 制動器需要調節了。

    Please do not adjust your set, e.g. as a warning on a TV screen that the controls do not need to be changed. 請勿自行調節(如電視機螢幕上的警告語句, 意為各項操作裝置無需更動)。

    adjust (something / oneself) (to something): become or make suited (to new conditions); adapt 使適合(新環境等); 適應

    former soldiers who have difficulty in adjusting to civilian life 很難適應平民生活的退伍軍人 The body quickly adjusts (itself) to changes in temperature. 身體迅速(自行)調節以適應氣溫的變化。

    fit /fɪt/ v.

    (a) be the right shape and size for (somebody) 形狀及大小對(某人)合適; 合身

    These shoes don"t fit (me). 這雙鞋(我)穿著不合適。

    Her coat fits (her) exactly. 她的大衣很合身。

    I can never get clothes to fit me. 我總也買不到合身的衣服。

    a close-fitting dress 緊身連衣裙

    The key doesn"t fit the lock. 這把鑰匙打不開這把鎖。

    (b)(esp. passive 尤用於被動語態) fit somebody for something: try (clothing) on somebody in order to adjust it to the right size and shape 試穿(衣服)

    He went to the tailor"s to be fitted for a coat. 他去裁縫店試穿大衣。

    suit /suːt, sjuːt US suːt/ v.

    (a) (esp. of clothes, hairstyles, etc.) look attractive on (somebody) (尤指衣服﹑ 髮型等)適合於(某人)

    Does this skirt suit me? 這裙子我穿著好看嗎?

    It doesn"t suit you to have your hair cut short. 你不適合剪短髮。

    That color doesn"t suit your complexion. 那顏色不適合你的膚色。

    (b) (usu. in negative sentences 通常用於否定句) be right or beneficial for (somebody / something) 對(某人\某事物)合適或有利

    This climate doesn"t suit me. 這種氣候對我很不相宜。

    Spicy food doesn"t suit my stomach, i.e. makes me feel ill. 太辣的東西我吃了胃部不舒服。

    match /mætʃ/ v.

    (a) combine well with (something), esp. in color 與(某物)相配(尤指顏色)

    The curtains and the carpets match perfectly. 窗簾和地毯十分諧調。

    These curtains won"t match your carpet. 這窗簾和你那塊地毯不相配。

    (fig 比喻) a well-matched couple 很匹配的一對

    (b) be like or correspond to (something else) 與(某事物)相似﹑ 相稱﹑ 相符合或相一致

    a brown dress and gloves to match 一件棕色的連衣裙和相配的手套

    透過以上英漢雙解釋義和例句,我們可以看出adapt, adjust, fit, suit, match表示“使適合”意思的區別。


    She had to adapt herself to local conditions. 她必須使自己適應當地的情況。


    He adjusted his watch to the time. 他調整一下表。


    These shoes fit me. 這些鞋很合適我穿。

    This candidate does not suit our qualifications. 這個候選人不符合我們的條件。


    Your skirt matches your blouse well. 你的裙子很配你的襯衫。

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