  • 1 # Afczdgv

    alisa的讀音為 [əˈlisə] ,[人名] 阿莉莎。有快樂的姑娘的意思。And I have never had nor will ever have better teachers than Alisa, Karen and Gabrielle. 我從未有過比艾莉莎、卡倫、加布裡埃爾莉更好的良師益友,以前沒有,將來也不會有。同時,阿麗莎alisa,Bandai Namco發行的一款格鬥電玩遊戲系列《鐵拳》系列作品中《鐵拳6:BR》的一個新增登場角色。What Alisa needs is only victory, and the exclamation mark is a tribute to her courage and desire to continue fighting without the rook! 艾歷莎想要的只是勝利,感嘆號是對她棄車也要繼續戰鬥的勇氣的讚譽。Lady Gaga has been challenged to a televised sing-off by Los Angeles recording artist Alisa Apps, with the winner taking home a cash prize at least US$ 1 million, Reuters reports.據路透社報道,洛杉磯唱片藝人艾麗薩•愛普司向嘎嘎小姐發出挑戰,欲與其在電視上比賽唱功,勝方可捧走至少100萬美元的現金大獎。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 如何評價傅程鵬在《獵毒人》中飾演的“反派boss”吳新河?