  • 1 # a不會愛的小笨蛋

    做臘肉、香腸、粽子等Bacon, sausage, dumplings and so do快過年的時候,每家每戶都會殺豬,弄臘肉、香腸,好讓這個春節過的更加有年味,也讓家裡的每個人吃上好東西。The fast time have the Spring Festival, every household will kill pig, make bacon, sausage, make the Spring Festival more for the taste, also let everyone in the family to eat the good stuff.買年貨Do Spring Festival shopping快到春節,大家都買了許多東西在家裡,包括瓜子、胡豆、糖等等。為的就是有親戚來好拿出來招待他們,買好了東西在家裡迎接新年的到來。Come to the Spring Festival, people have bought a lot of things at home, including Hu Dou, melon seeds, sugar and so on. Just to have relatives to good out to entertain them, bought the thing in the home to greet the new year.打掃家裡衛生Clean the house health快到春節的幾天,人們都會將自家徹徹底底的打掃一遍,來個春節大掃除,為的就是讓這個年過的更舒適。Come to the spring festival days, people will own thoroughly clean again, to a spring cleaning, to allow this year live more comfortable.買鞭炮Buy firecrackers一般人們都會提前一天將鞭炮買好,為了在過年那天拿出來放,讓一家人過的紅紅火火。People in general will one day in advance will be bought in order to have the Spring Festival firecrackers, in day out, let one family had a thriving.祭祀祖先人Ancestor worship people一般過年前的一天,人們都會帶著豬腦殼,鞭炮去祭祀死去的祖先人,以表示對他們的尊敬Generally have the Spring Festival before the day, people will take pig skull, firecrackers to worship a dead ancestors, to show their respect吃團年飯The reunion meal所謂吃團年飯就是一家人在一起,做了許多好吃的,也包括自己做的臘肉,香腸,一家人一起代表著家人的團圓,意味著家庭的幸福美滿。The so-called reunion meal is one family together, to do a lot of delicious food, including own bacon, sausage, one family together to represent the family reunion, means that the family happiness.迎接新年的到來(放鞭炮)和歡送新年的過去To greet the new year and welcome the new year (firecracker) in the past一到12點的時候,人們都會放鞭炮來迎接新年的到來,好讓自己在新的一年裡紅紅火火。然後第二天早上8點的時候,人們也會放鞭炮來歡送新年的過去,好讓自己在新的一年裡快快樂樂,高高興興。When a 12 point, people will set off firecrackers to welcome the arrival of the new year, let oneself in the new year prosperous. Then on the second day at 8 in the morning when, people will set off firecrackers to welcome the new year in the past, let oneself in the new year happy, happy.貼對聯Paste the poetic couplet這是人們的習俗,過年的時候,門口的對聯都會重新貼的,代表著新的一年裡,新的外貌。It is the custom for people to have the Spring Festival, when, at the entrance of the poetic couplet will re paste, represents the new year, new appearance.走親戚Relatives年過了,人們就跟著走親戚了,一家人一起到親朋好友的家中去做客,去與親戚的團聚,有的親戚也是一年才見一次,所以也是聯絡下與親戚之間的感情。Years later, people with relatives, one family together to relatives and friends home to visit relatives, to go with the reunion, see only once a year and some relatives also, so also is the link between lower and relative feelings

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 形容人很無奈,無話可說,心情抑鬱的成語?