  • 1 # 英語學人





    現象—— something has become …

    Starting a business has become more popular in recent years. 近年來創業變得越來越流行。Being obedient blindly has become something criticized by the public. 愚孝已經被越來越多的人所詬病。Applying for a master degree has become an important alternative for the students who are not satisfied with the jobs offered. 考研成了對職業不滿的人的一個重要選項。Reading on the smartphone via app has become a new trend among the youngsters. 在智慧手機上透過APP閱讀成了年輕人中的新風尚。

    問題——With…, sth have become…

    With the graduation of students, how to enter the job market has become a major concern. 隨著越來越多的學生畢業,人們開始思考關注如何進入職場的問題。

    With the development of society, pollution has become a serious problem. 隨著社會的發展,汙染成了嚴重的問題。

    With the 90s generation entering the job market, the posts in state-owned enterprise are no longer much sought-after. 隨著90後進入職場,國有企業的職位不再受追捧。

    With the establishment of One Belt and One Road policy, many companies have participated in overseas expansion. 在一帶一路政策確定後,很多公司參與了全球擴張。


    支援某觀點——be in favor of the idea of XX,

    I am in favor of the idea of starting a business. We are too young to be afraid of failures. 我支援創業的觀點,因為我們還太年輕,不應該害怕失敗。My parents are in favor of the idea of finding a job. The pointed out that nine out of ten people experienced failure,and they do not want my life to be too hard. 我的父母支援找工作的想法。他們指出十個創業九個失敗。They are in favor of the idea of limiting the time student spent on internet. 他們支援控制學生上網的時間的意見。

    反對某觀點——be against the idea of

    I am totally against the idea of limiting the time student spent on internet. We live in the era of internet, and they are requiring us to live in the old way of life. 我完全反對控制學生上網時間的想法。我們生活在網路時代,為什麼用舊的生活方式要求我們?They are against the idea of going to graduate school because they think it is a waste of time. 他們反對考研的意見,認為那是在浪費時間。I am against the idea of allowing students to use cellphones freely. Some of them may become addicted to it. 我發對讓學生自由使用手機。他們中的有些人會對手機上癮。

    原因——A possible reason for something is

    A possible reason for the fact that people are reluctant to start a business is the high risk of failure. 人們不願創業的一個可能的原因是失敗的風險太高。A possible reason for generation gap is the lack of communication between generations. 代溝問題產生的一個可能原因是代際溝通的缺乏。A possible reason for the demand of live and learn attitude is the fast development of our society. 學到老的需求產生的一個可能的原因是社會的快速發展。結論

    總結結果——Based on the discussions above, we can draw the conclusion that

    Based on the discussions above, we can draw the conclusion that it is right for the young people to establish a business. 基於以上討論,我們可得出以下結論,年輕人創業是對的。Based on the discussions above, we can draw the conclusion that situation and personal personality determines whether it is good for an individual to find a job or to establish a business. 基於以上討論,我們可得出以下結論:條件和個人性格決定了一個人找工作還是創業更合適。

    展望未來——Not only, but also

    Establishing a business may not only increase your sensitivity in the business environment, but also your ability in adversities. 創業不但能增加你對商業環境的敏感度,還能增加你應對逆境的能力。Cellphone can not only make your life more efficient, but also destroy your life if you lack the ability to control its negative effect. 手機能讓你的生活變得更有效率,也能毀了你,如果你不能控制其負面作用的話。

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