Free trade area is a type of trade bloc, a designated group of countries that have agreed toeliminate tariffs, quotas and preferences on most (if not all) goods and services traded between them.
Free trade zone is an area of a country where some normal trade barriers such as tariffs andquotas are eliminated and bureaucratic requirements are lowered in hopes of attracting new business and foreign investments.
很明顯,flee trade area 指實行自由貿易的一批國家。它們是為了透過降低或取消關稅以消除成員國之間的貿易障礙而組成的部分國家聯盟。而free trade zone 卻指一個國家內免徵關稅的貿易區域,範圍顯然要小得多。
在翻譯free trade area或者是free trade zone的時候,與之對應的詞只有一個,就是‘自由貿易區’。先來看看這兩個詞的英文原文釋,
Free trade area is a type of trade bloc, a designated group of countries that have agreed toeliminate tariffs, quotas and preferences on most (if not all) goods and services traded between them.
Free trade zone is an area of a country where some normal trade barriers such as tariffs andquotas are eliminated and bureaucratic requirements are lowered in hopes of attracting new business and foreign investments.
很明顯,flee trade area 指實行自由貿易的一批國家。它們是為了透過降低或取消關稅以消除成員國之間的貿易障礙而組成的部分國家聯盟。而free trade zone 卻指一個國家內免徵關稅的貿易區域,範圍顯然要小得多。