  • 1 # 皮皮蝦我愛你


    It"s a story about love and revenge . Heathcilff was adopted by Mr Earnshaw on the Livepool Street .He live with Mr Earnshaw "s son Hindly and his daughter Cathy.Hindley hated Heathcilff but his sister like Heathcilff.

    After Earnshaw died ,Hindley become the host of the family ,he treated Heathcliff as a farmer and insult him .At the same time ,Cathy and Heathcliff love each other.Linton ,the son of Thrushcross Grange,pay court to Cathy ,and visit her very often .

    Cathy made up her mind to get married with him,Heathcliff was very angry and went out.Heathcliff came back with a lot of money. He cheated Hindley"belongings by gambling.He did the things all for revenge.He married Linton"siston Isabella.

    Cathy died after she gave a birth to little Catherine.Isabella discerned Heathcliff and left him .She procreated little Linton and died .Heathcliff spoliated little Linton and badgered him to love little Catherine.

    Heathcliff hijacked little Catherine and forced her to be married with his son .After this ,he annexed all Linton"belongings and finish his revenge. At the same time , Heathcliff was importuned by Cathy .He stayed at his own room all day and didn"t have meal or sleep.At last,he died in dumps and delirium.




  • 2 # HandsomeJeff

    Wuthering Heights is Emily Brontë"s only novel. It was first published in 1847 under the pseudonym Ellis Bell, and a posthumous second edition was edited by her sister Charlotte. The name of the novel comes from the Yorkshire manor on the moors on which the story centres. (As an adjective, wuthering is a Yorkshire word referring to turbulent weather.) The narrative tells the tale of the all-encompassing and passionate, yet thwarted love between Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw, and how this unresolved passion eventually destroys both themselves and many around


    considered a classic of English literature, Wuthering Heights"s innovative structure, which has been likened to a series of Matryoshka dolls, met with mixed reviews by critics when it first appeared. Though Charlotte Brontë"s Jane Eyre was originally considered the best of the Brontë sisters" works, many subsequent critics of Wuthering Heights argued that its originality and achievement made it superior. Wuthering Heights has also given rise to many adaptations and inspired works, including films, radio, television dramatisations, musicals and songs (notably the hit Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush) and opera.

  • 3 # 悅讀理解

    1、呼嘯山莊的英文簡介It"s a story about love and revenge . Heathcilff was adopted by Mr Earnshaw on the Livepool Street


    live with Mr Earnshaw "s son Hindly and his daughter


    hated Heathcilff but his sister like


    Earnshaw died ,Hindley become the host of the family ,he treated Heathcliff as a farmer and insult him


    the same time ,Cathy and Heathcliff love each


    ,the son of Thrushcross Grange,pay court to Cathy ,and visit her very often


    made up her mind to get married with him,Heathcliff was very angry and went


    came back with a lot of money. He cheated Hindley"belongings by


    did the things all for


    married Linton"siston


    died after she gave a birth to little


    discerned Heathcliff and left him


    procreated little Linton and died


    spoliated little Linton and badgered him to love little


    hijacked little Catherine and forced her to be married with his son


    this ,he annexed all Linton"belongings and finish his revenge. At the same time , Heathcliff was importuned by Cathy


    stayed at his own room all day and didn"t have meal or


    last,he died in dumps and delirium.2、呼嘯山莊作品中文簡介《呼嘯山莊》是英國女作家勃朗特姐妹之一艾米莉・勃朗特的作品。小說描寫吉卜賽棄兒希斯克利夫被山莊老主人收養後,因受辱和戀愛不順,外出致富,回來後對與其女友凱瑟琳結婚的地主林頓及其子女進行報復的故事。全篇充滿強烈的反壓迫、爭幸福的鬥爭精神,又始終籠罩著離奇、緊張的浪漫氣氛。它開始曾被人看做是年青女作家脫離現實的天真幻想,但結合其所描寫地區激烈的階級鬥爭和英國的社會現象,它不久便被評論界高度肯定,並受到讀者的熱烈歡迎。根據這部小說改編的影視作品至今久演不衰。

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