  • 1 # 蘇霂橙

    平 [píng]calm draw equal even flat peaceful plane smooth suppress tie 漢英詞典 平 [píng]形(沒有高低凹凸,不頃斜) flat;level;even;smooth把紙鋪平 smooth out the paper;桌面不 平。The table is not level.形(高度相同;不相上下) on the same level;equal樹梢和屋頂齊 平。The tree top is level with the roof.形(平均;公平) equal;fair;impartial平分 divide equally形(安定;寧靜) calm;peaceful;quiet海上風平浪靜。The sea was calm.形(經常的;普通的) average;common學習成績平平 have average school results動(使平) level;even把地平一平 level the ground動(抑止怒氣) pacify;assuage;calm down為民平憤 redress the grievances of the people

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 光波爐的危害是什麼的?會不會對人體有影響的?