  • 1 # 發光的大橙子


    1、object to的意思是:反對, 對…反感,非,不以為然。其句型是 obeject to sb/sth,object to doing sth./to sb doing sth。

    2、object to doing的意思是:反對做某事。


    object to

    1、A lot of people will object to the book 很多人都會對這本書表示反感。

    2、I do object to their claim, which I find totally unsubstantiated. 我強烈反對他們的說法,那是毫無根據的。

    3、I did not really object to Will"s behaviour so much as his personality 我與其說是反感威爾的行為,不如說是討厭他的為人。

    4、Working people everywhere object to paying taxes 各地的工薪族都反對繳稅。

    5、I"d like some coffee, and I don"t object to the powdered stuff if it"s all you"ve got 我想來點咖啡,如果你只有速溶的那種也可以。

    6、I object to being repeatedly dropped on in this manner. 我反對用這種方式屢次被挑中。

    7、A considerable number of people object to the government"s attitude to immigration. 相當多的人反對政府對待移民問題的態度。

    8、We object to dumping substandard machines on the market. 我們反對將次品機器向市場傾銷。

    9、You will use a JavaScript object to group our validation data and messages in a hierarchy. 您將使用一個JavaScript物件把我們的驗證資料和訊息分組到一個層級中。 10、Let"s use the example of a Person data object to illustrate the important concepts of Type and Property. 我們使用Person資料物件的例子來說明“型別”和“屬性”這兩個重要概念。

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