  • 1 # dd黑帝



    "It must be done" 這是必要的

    "None can withstand the Templar" 沒有人能抵擋聖堂武士

    "Our fury is bondless" 我們的怒火無邊無際

    "My meditation is over" 我的冥想結束了

    "We stand as one" 我們行如一體

    "Command me" 指揮我

    "Honor guide me" 榮譽指引我

    "Our enemies must be eradicated" 我們的敵人必須被消滅

    "Khas de Templari" (Protoss語)

    "My life for Aiur" 我的生命為了Aiur

    "En taro Tassader" Protoss語:以Tassader的名義!

    "I am Templar, I am the sword of Truth" 我是聖堂武士,我是真理之劍!

    "Justice be done" 實施正義

    "We are the blades of Aiur" 我們是Aiur之劍

    "Victory is the only truth that matters" 勝利是唯一有意義的真理!

    "None shall stand" 沒人可以阻擋

    "Our enemies have fallen" 我們的敵人倒下了

    "By your will" 如你所願

    "For Artanis" 為了Artanis

    "We strike as one" 我們進攻如一體

    "Blades of Justice" 正義之刃

    "Combat is the ?? of will" 戰鬥是意志的??(這裡聽不清楚)

    "We cannot hold" 我們支撐不住了


    "The enemy has broken" 敵人崩潰了

    "Woe to our enemies" 將悲傷帶給敵人

    "I have known only an eternity of war" 我只知道無盡的戰爭

    "The battle is ours" 這場戰鬥屬於我們

    "We shall obey" 我們會服從

    "Our duty is unending" 我們的職責沒有止盡

    "These steel limbs are not my own" 這些機械四肢並非我所有

    "I return to serve" 我歸來,為了繼續奉獻

    "My memory is not what it was" 我的記憶今非昔比

    "We march to victory" 我們向勝利進軍

    "For the Ancients" 為了古老的一切

    "Let darkness be parted" 讓黑暗散開!

    "I am the wrath of the Khala" 我是Khala的憤怒

    "En taro Adun" (Protoss語)以Adun的名義!

    "Our cannons shall sing" 我們的炮火將歌唱

    "The cycle is, unchanging" 迴圈,永不更改

    "The enemy closes" 敵人接近了

    "We shall serve forever" 我們將永遠服務

    "I heed the call" 蒙召而來

    "There shall be a reckoning" 會有清算的

    "Glory is eternal" 榮譽是永恆的


    "For Honor" 為了榮耀!

    "Understood" 明白

    "On the wings of Justice" 承著正義之翼

    "Teleport successful" 傳送成功

    "The skies await" 天空等待著

    "Warp field online" 扭曲立場,開放

    "Where do our enemies lurk?" 我們的敵人潛伏在何處?

    "Time for battle" 是戰鬥的時候了

    "Our fury shall be unleashed" 我們的怒火將得到釋放

    "Warp field, overloading!" 扭曲立場,超載!

    "We shall rise from the ashes" 我們將從灰燼中復生

    "None shall escape!" 沒有人能逃脫!

    "I soar to victory" 我衝向勝利!

    "Valor shall rise again" 勇氣將重建

    "Weapons primed"

    "Duty is my shield" 責任是我的盾牌

    "I long for skies of Aiur" 我企盼著Aiur的天空!


    "By the Void" 以虛空的名義

    "We are intrigued" 我們感興趣

    "Fear is an illusion" 恐懼只是一種幻覺

    "I will comply" 我會服從

    "We go unseen" 我們來去無蹤

    "You seek our service?" 你需要我們的服務?

    "From the shadows I come" 我從陰影中來

    "I bask in twilight" 我們沐浴在黃昏之中

    "Clever..." 聰明。。

    "The Darkness writhes..." 黑暗蠕動著

    "What would you ask of us?" 你需要我們做什麼?

    "Twilight falls upon us all" 黃昏降臨在每一個人頭上

    "I strike from the shadows" 我從陰影中出擊

    "We shall obliterate them" 我們會殲滅他們

    "We are the darkness" 我們就是黑暗

    "Thus I fade" 就這樣,我銷聲匿跡

    "By the shadows of Shakuras" 以Shakuras之影的名義

    "My heart is colder than these steel limbs" 我的心比這鋼鐵四肢更加冰冷

    "*snake hiss" (蛇吐信的聲音)

    "The Void claims its own" 歸於虛空

    "I am but a phantom" 我只是一個幽靈

    "Darkness comes" 黑暗降臨

    "We cannot be stopped" 我們不可阻擋

    虛空輝光艦VOID RAY

    "Prismatic core online" 稜鏡核開始運轉

    "We are at full power" 最大火力

    "Khas Alushir"d" (Protoss語)

    "Calibrating warp lenses 調校扭曲稜鏡中

    "Phase-crystals charged" 位面水晶衝能完畢

    "This vessel shall avenge" 這艘戰艦將復仇

    "Channel the light of Aiur" 點亮Aiur的光芒!

    "It shall be done" 會完成的

    "?? commencing" ??開始

    "For Aiur!"

    "Our wills are aligned through the Holy Khala" 我們的意志透過神聖的Khala結合在一起

    "Infinity burns around us" 無限在我們四周燃燒

    "Lock beams and incinerate!" 光束集中,焚燒!

    "Fire at will commander" 任意開火,指揮官

    "Conflict must not be seen through the lenses of desperation" 不能透過焦慮的鏡片去審視鬥爭

    "The enemy has been purged" 敵人被淨化了

    "Prismatic beams aligning" 稜鏡光束聚焦

    "All paths are seen through the prism of fate" 命運的稜鏡折射出所有的道路


    As all are one. 一切歸一。

    Justice has come! 正義降臨。

    Downloading orders. 下載指令。

    Directive confirmed. 指令確定。

    We await. 我們待命。

    Direct us. 給我們指示。

    We proceed. 我們繼續。

    By light of Aiur. 以Aiur之光的名義。

    As the Khala wills. 以Khala是瞻。

    We are the voice of Aiur. 我們是Aiur之聲。

    Our systems pulse with the truth. 我們系統傳遞真實。

    Our light show the pathway through the stars. 我們的光線顯示星際通路。

    Target confirmed. 目標確定。

    Weapon systems engaged. 武器系統使用中。

    The glow of the infinite is within us. 我們中蘊藏無限的輝光

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