  • 1 # 午夜雨666

    ----匯入 xml 檔案DECLARE @idoc intDECLARE @doc varchar(1000)--sample XML documentSET @doc ="<root><Customer cid= "C1" name="Janine" city="Issaquah"><Order oid="O1" date="1/20/1996" amount="3.5" /><Order oid="O2" date="4/30/1997" amount="13.4">Customer was very satisfied</Order></Customer><Customer cid="C2" name="Ursula" city="Oelde" ><Order oid="O3" date="7/14/1999" amount="100" note="Wrap it bluewhite red"><Urgency>Important</Urgency>Happy Customer.</Order><Order oid="O4" date="1/20/1996" amount="10000"/></Customer></root>"-- Create an internal representation of the XML document.EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc OUTPUT, @doc-- Execute a SELECT statement using OPENXML rowset provider.SELECT *FROM OPENXML (@idoc, "/root/Customer/Order", 1)WITH (oid char(5),amount float,comment ntext "text()")EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @idoc

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