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      歌曲:《勇士之歌》(The warrior song)  歌詞如下:  I"ve got the reach and the teeth of a killin"  machine,  我是武裝到牙齒的殺人機器  with a need to bleed you when the light goes green  綠光閃爍之間讓你血流如濺  best believe, I"m in a zone to be, from my Yin to my  Yang to my YangTze  不要懷疑,這是我的地盤(我的陰陽兩界,我的chang江流域)  put a grin on my chin when you come to me,  當你奔襲而來我得意地微笑  ‘cuz I"ll win, I"m a one-of-a-kind and I"ll bring death  因為勝利是屬於我的,我是一流的殺手,帶給你的將是死亡  to the place you"re about to be: another  river of blood runnin" under my feet  大地在我腳下,你將成為另一條奔流的血河  forged in a fire lit long ago, stand next to me, you"ll  never stand alone  歷煉之火早已燃起,與我比肩,你將永不孤獨  I"m last to leave, but the first to go, Lord, make me  dead before you make me old  第一個衝鋒,最後一個離去,上帝啊,請在老去之前賜我以死亡  I feed on the fear of the devil inside of the enemy  faces in my sights:  吞噬著恐懼,當敵人以魔鬼的面孔進入視線:  aim with the hand, shoot with the mind, kill with a  heart like arctic ice  用手瞄準,用意志扣動扳機,用冷酷的心殺戮。  I am a soldier and I"m marching on  我是一個兵,士兵在前進  I am a warrior and this is my song  我是勇士,勇士在歌唱  I bask in the glow of the rising war, lay waste to the  ground of an enemy shore  樂戰好鬥,令敵國焦土一片  wade through the blood spilled on the floor, and if  another one stands I"ll kill some more  跋涉血海,誓要斬盡殺絕。  bullet in the breach and a fire in me, like a cigarette  thrown, to gasoline  子彈飛嘯,電光石火  if death don"t bring you fear, I swear, you"ll fear  these marchin" feet  假如死亡不能帶給你恐懼,我發誓,定要你敬畏我的鐵足  Come to the nightmare, come to me, deep down in the  dark where the devil be  走近噩夢,走近我,掉入魔鬼所在的黑暗。  in the maw with the jaws and the razor teeth,  咽喉橫亙,利刃如鯊  where the brimstone burns and the angel weeps  地獄火起,天使哭泣  call to the gods if I cross your path and my silhouette  hangs like a body bag  我的影子將是你的死神,當你被我遇到,呼喚所有的神明吧。  hope is a moment now long past, the shadow of death is  the one I cast.  希望瞬乎寂滅,我的身影就是你死亡的陰影  I am a soldier and I"m marching on  我是一個兵,士兵在前進  I am a warrior and this is my song  我是勇士,勇士在歌唱  my eyes are steel and my gaze is long  目光似鐵 視野無限  I am a warrior and this is my song  我是勇士,勇士在歌唱  now I live lean and I mean to inflict the grief,  我有點沮喪,渴望重創敵人  and the least of me is still out of your reach  但我還在敵國之外  the killing machine"s gonna do the deed,  殺人機器啟動了,勇猛衝鋒  until the river runs dry and my last breath leaves  直到河流枯竭,直到生命的最後  chin in the air with a head held high,  昂首迎風  I"ll stand in the path of the enemy line  直面敵人  feel no fear, know my pride:  沒有恐懼,只有自豪:  for God and Country I"ll end your life  為了上帝,為國家,我將結束你的生命  I am a soldier and I"m marching on  我是一個兵,士兵在前進  I am a warrior and this is my song  我是勇士,勇士在歌唱  my eyes are steel and my gaze is long  目光似鐵 視野無限  I am a warrior and this is my song  我是勇士,勇士在歌唱  歌曲簡介:  《美軍勇士之歌》(《The Warrior Song》)是由Jerry Alfred演唱的一首歌曲,詞曲由Sean Householder主創,發行於1996年6月18日,收錄在《Etsi Shon》專輯中。  創作背景:  勇士之歌是美國私人募捐團體為軍隊募捐使用所創作的勁曲,主創者為Sean Householder。勇士之歌有兩個版本,硬漢版是Sean Householder與Tom Reynolds專門為海軍陸戰隊創作和使用的。

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