  • 1 # yfxvhgf

    綠箭口香糖廣告歌:《Rhythm Of The Rain(雨之韻律)》作者:John Gummoe   演唱:The CascadesListen to the rhythm of the falling rain聽雨聲的節奏Telling me just what a fool I"ve been告訴我我是個多麼愚蠢的人I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain我希望它會消失,讓我徒勞地哭泣And let me be alone again再讓我一個人待著Now the only girl I"ve ever loved has gone away現在我唯一愛過的女孩已經走了Looking for a brand new start尋找全新的開始But little does she know that when she left that day但當她那天離開時,她不知道Along with her she took my heart她帶著我的心Rain, please tell me, now does that seem fair雨,請告訴我,現在這樣公平嗎For her to steal my heart away when she don"t care當她不在乎的時候把我的心偷走I can"t love another, when my heart"s somewhere far away當我的心在遙遠的某個地方時,我不能愛另一個人。Rain, won"t you tell her that I love her so雨,你不告訴她我愛她嗎?Please ask the sun to set her heart aglow請讓太陽照亮她的心Rain in her heart and let the love we know start to grow雨在她心中,讓我們所知道的愛開始成長擴充套件資料:《Rhythm Of The Rain(雨之韻律)》由The Cascades(瀑布合唱團)演唱,The Cascades(瀑布合唱團)來自加州聖地亞哥的這支樂隊,擅長作曲以及吉他,《Rhythm Of The Rain(雨之韻律)》是The Cascades(瀑布合唱團)最有名的代表作之一。綠箭口香糖產品:箭牌公司在中國的品牌組合包括“綠箭”( Doublemint)、“黃箭”(Juicy Fruit)、“白箭”(Wrigley"s Spearmint)、“ 箭牌咖啡口香糖 ”(Wrigley"s coffee gum)、“益達”(Extra)無糖口香糖、“勁浪”(Cool Air)超涼口香糖 、“大大”( Ta Ta)泡泡糖、“真知棒” (Pim Pom)棒棒糖、“瑞士糖”(Sugus)軟糖和“彩虹”(Skittles)果汁糖等。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 屬猴的2015年9月10號適合搬家嗎?幾點搬家最好?