  • 1 # ygccghcc


    1、loveliness英 ["lʌvlɪnəs];美 ["lʌvlɪnəs]n. 可愛;漂亮;魅力;美好例:Love is a union of loveliness with truth.例:He wrote a poem praising her loveliness .

    2、likable英 ["laɪkəbl];美 ["laɪkəbl]adj. 可愛的例:He is an attractive and likable young man.例:The most likable people get promoted .最可愛的人將會得到晉升。

    3、mignon英 ["minjɔn, mi:"njuŋ]例:You cannot make filet mignon out of chopped liver.例:They feasted us on filet mignon and strawberry shortcake.

    4、adorable英 [ə"dɔːrəb(ə)l];美 [ə"dɔrəbl]adj. 可愛的;可敬重的,值得崇拜的例:By the time I was 30, we had three adorable children. 到我30歲時,我們有了3個非常可愛的孩子。例:Why not present her with an adorable vibrator that she will love and encourage her to use it?

    5、endearing英 [ɪn"dɪərɪŋ; en-];美 [ɪn"dɪrɪŋ]adj. 可愛的;討人喜歡的;引起愛情的例:He is so frank about his prejudices as to be almost endearing.例:It"s a cute show, with some endearing and some irritating characters, and it"s fun to watch.這是部可愛的電視劇,有著討人喜歡的和一些令人惱火的角色,看著很有趣。

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