  • 1 # Afczdgv

    一、謝謝你的誇獎。Thank you for your compliments.二、謝謝你的讚美Thank you for the compliment.雙語例句一、謝謝你的誇獎,我也喜歡。Thanks for the compliment. I like the jacket, too. 二、中文真的很難得。 謝謝你的誇獎。Chinese is really difficult . But thanks for the compliment . 三、謝謝你的誇獎,你要不要試穿一下?Thank you, would you like to try it on?擴充套件資料:表示感謝的其他句子1、Thanks a million.萬分感謝。2、I must owe you one.我欠你一次人情。3、Thanks ever so./ Thank you very much.非常感謝。4、Thank you for your help./ I appreciate you help./ I am gratitude to you for helping me.謝謝你的幫忙。5、I truly appreciate your timely help.我真心感謝你的及時幫助。6、I thank you from the bottom of my heart.我衷心感謝你。7、My gratitude to you for all you have done for me.謝謝你為我所做的一切。8、Words cannot express how thankful I am.言語已不足以表達我對你的謝意。9、All I could say is--thanks.我想說的只有:謝謝。

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