  • 1 # 金金3347161680943

    Taken From "Sing When You"re Winning" 太肯富若木‘星文由文寧’ Send someone to love me 森的薩姆萬圖拉烏米 I need to rest in arms 愛你

  • 2 # 8154林一

    ★There was a time I had nothing to give 曾經 我沒有什麼能夠給與你的 I needed shelter from the storm i was in 我需要能遮擋風雨的庇護所And when it all got too heavy 當一切令我承受不住時 You carried my weight 你替我減輕了負擔 And i want to hold you 我想擁有你 And i want to say 我想對你說★That you are all that i need 你就是我需要的 For you, I give my soul to keep 我將我的靈魂交與你 You see me, love me 你明白我 愛我 Just the way i am 喜歡我現在這個樣 I said for you i am a better man 我說 我是更合適你的人 I said you are the reason for everything i do 我說 我做這一切都是為了你 I"d be lost, so lost without you 沒有你 我會感到很迷茫 ★Under the stars 滿天星空之下 At the edge of the sea 大海邊緣 There"s no one around 周圍沒有任何人 No one but you and me 只有我和你We"d talk for hours 我們可以聊聊天談談心 As time drifts away 隨著時間慢慢流逝 I could stay here forever 我可以永遠呆在這兒 And hold you this way 就像現在這樣擁著你 ★That you are all that i need 你就是我需要的 For you, I give my soul to keep 我將我的靈魂交與你 You see me, love me 你明白我 愛我 Just the way i am 喜歡我現在這個樣 I said for you i am a better man 我說 我是更合適你的人 I said you are the reason for everything i do 我說 我做這一切都是為了你 I"d be lost, so lost without you 沒有你 我會感到很迷茫 no no no I"d be lost, so lost without you 沒有你 我會感到很迷茫

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