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    Summer after high school when we first met  我們邂逅在高中畢業的那年夏天  We‘d make out in your Mustang to Radiohead  我們在你的“Mustang”裡聽著電臺司令的歌親熱  And on my 18th Birthday  在我18歲生日那天  We got that chain tattoos  我們一起紋上了情侶紋身  Used to steal your parents" liquor  曾經偷過你爸媽的酒  And climb to the roof  爬上房頂  Talk about our future  談論我們的未來  Like we had a clue  彷彿我們的未來一片光明  Never plan that one day  那時從未想過  I"d be losing you  有一天我會失去你  And in another life  來世  I would be your girl  我還會做你的女孩  We keep all our promises  我們矢志不渝  Be us against the world  同你一起與全世界為敵  And in another life  來世  I would make you stay  我不會讓你離開  So I don"t have to say  所以我不必說  You were the one that got away  離開的人是你  The one that got away  離我而去的人  I was June and you were my Johnny Cash  如果我是June你就是我的Johnny Cash  Never one we got the other We made a pact  我們盟下誓約,不離不棄  Sometimes when I miss you  當我想你時  I put those records on  就放放這些唱片  Someone said you had your tattoo removed  有人說你把我們的紋身抹去了  Saw you downtown singing the Blues  看到你在繁華的市中心唱歌  It"s time to face the music  是時候承擔所做的一切的後果了  I"m no longer your muse  我不再是你的繆斯女神  And in another life  來世  I would be your girl  我還做你的女孩  We keep all our promises  我們矢志不渝  Be us against the world  同你一起與全世界為敵  And in another life  來世  I would make you stay  我會讓你留下  So I don"t have to say  所以我不必說  You were the one that got away  你是離開我的那個人  The one that got away  離我而去的人  The one (X3)  The one that got away  離我而去的人  All this money can"t buy me a time machine (No~)  再多的錢也買不到時間機器  Can"t replace you with a million rings (No~)  再多的戒指也不能取代你  I should have told you what you meant to me (Whoa~)  我本該告訴你,你對我是多麼重要  Cause now I pay the price  如今,我為此付出代價  And in another life  來世  I would be your girl  我還是你的女孩  We keep for of promises  我們信守諾言  Be us against the world  同你一起,與全世界為敵  And in another life  來世  I would make you stay  我會讓你留下  So I don"t have to say  所以我不必說  You were the one that got away  你是離開我的那個人  The one that got away  離我而去的那個人  The one (X3)  And in another life  來世  I would make you stay  我會讓你留下  So I don"t have to say  所以我不必說  You were the one that got away  你是離開我的那個人  The one that got away  離我而去的人

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 一個沒有業委會的小區,被開發商的前期物業霸佔十年,該怎麼辦?