  • 1 # 清影書房






  • 2 # 碰詞兒客



  • 3 # 寫給火星的信


    Like Me, Like My Dog. (愛屋及烏)

    I have had the black rice for the first time in Chengdu. It was sweet and smell good. I think I like this kind of rice. It"s one of my favorite food. But it was not easy to make well, so I just had had it for several times. Recently, by chance I have been to the

    house of the King in Mudu Ancient Town in the South of Yangtze River. When I was surprised for the rich of the King, I found there was a black rice restaurant near the house of the King. Black rice was called Ami in Suzhou local oral language, so the black rice was popular in Suzhou. The local people think when you had the black rice, you said Amituofo in the heart at the same time, it will bring you good luck. I was glad to had a bowl of black rice and fell good. I don"t know whether I like the black rice then like

    Chengdu and Suzhou or I like Chengdu and Suzhou then like the black rice. I want to know but I don"t know what to say.

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 我的手機進入任何一個程式,都黑屏,是不是進入了啥設定啊?求解?