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      《when you belive》中文歌詞《當你相信時》

      When you belive

      Many night we"ve prayed 許多個夜晚我們祈禱

      with no proof anyone could 不能證明誰能聽得到

      In our heart a hopeful song 我們的心就是希望之歌

      we barely understood 我們剛剛明瞭

      Now we are not afraid而如今我們不再懼怕

      Although we know there"s much to fear 雖然我們有太多害怕的事情

      we were moving the mountian long 我們能夠移山

      Before we knew we could 在我們知道之前

      There can be miracles 這一定是個奇蹟

      when you belive 當你相信的時候

      Though hope is frail 儘管希望如此脆弱

      it"s hard to kill 但也不能輕易撲滅

      who knows what miracles誰知道奇蹟是什麼

      you can achieve你可以做到

      when you belive 當你相信的時候

      somehow you will 不知道什麼原因你就會做到

      you will when you belive當你相信的時候就會做到

      And this time of fear在這個令人寒心時刻

      when prayer so often proves in vain 當信徒們徒勞無功地證明

      hope seems like the summer birds 希望像是夏天的小鳥

      too swiftly flown away 飛快地掠過

      and now i am standing here 現在我站在這裡

      my heart"s so full i can"t explain 我的心滿滿的 無法解釋

      seeking faith and speaking wordsi never thought i"d say 我從未想過我會說

      there can be miracles這是個奇蹟尋找信仰

      when you believe (when you believe)當你相信的時候

      though hope is frail 儘管希望如此脆弱

      it"s hard to kill 但也不能輕易撲滅

      who know what miracle 誰知道什麼是奇蹟

      you can achieve (you can achieve) 你可以做到

      when you believe 當你相信的時候

      somehow you will 不知道什麼原因你就會做到

      you will when you believe 當你相信的時候就會做到

      they don"t always happen when you ask 當你詢問的時候它們不經常出現

      and it"s easy to give in to your fear 而且很輕易地帶給你懼怕

      but when you"re blinded by your pain但是當你因為痛苦而盲目無助

      can"t see you way safe through the rainthought of a still resilient voice

      says love is very near 想象一種很平靜的聲音說愛是如此靠近不能在大雨中看清你的道路

      there can be miracles (miracles) 這就是奇蹟 奇蹟

      when you believe (when you believe) 當你相信的時候 當你相信的時候

      though hope is frail 儘管希望如此脆弱

      it"s hard to kill 但也不能輕易撲滅

      who know what miracles 誰知道什麼是奇蹟

      you can achieve (you can achieve)你可以做到 你可以做到

      when you believe 當你相信的時候

      somehow you will不知道什麼原因你就會做到

      you will when you believe 你會做到當你相信的時候

      you will when you believe 你會做到當你相信的時候

      you will when you believe 你會做到當你相信的時候

      just believe 就那麼相信

      you will when you believe 你會做到當你相信的時候

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