1 # 使用者9561863173794
2 # K哥哈
Dad今天是您的節日祝您節日快樂九個春夏秋冬走過風雪雨露您默默地愛著我用您聰明的大腦用您勤勞的雙手保護我呵護我哺育我您默默地做著的一切就像那火紅的太陽就像那潔白的雲朵就像那明亮的月亮就像那閃閃的星星我這一棵剛出土的小樹苗我相信有您的照料我一定會慢慢長大我一定會成為一棵筆直參天枝葉茂盛的大樹I Love YouDad
Father"s Day E-Cards (父親節電子賀卡)
Send your tech-savvy dad a free Father"s Day e-card to let
him know you"re thinking of him。
Choose from our pre-made cards or use your own picture for a personalized greeting。
Father"s Day Cards (父親節賀卡)
Cards are a great way to tell your father how much you
appreciate him。
They"ll brighten his Father"s Day whether
they arrive in the mail or from the hands of a
paint-stained kid。
The annual your day, in the absence of time, I hope that we can close off happy everyday every second。