  • 1 # 使用者2008204498042

    Open your eyes nowWhat do you seeIsn"t the view differentIt is to me睜開你的雙眼你看到了什麼?你的所見難道不是不同以往嗎?在我看來是的。The view of loversSometimes changeSome put the sun thereSome make it rain戀人們之間的關係有時會發生改變有時一如晴空萬里有時又如陰雨連綿If you are the sunI"m the rainLook at the time nowWhat do you feel如果你是Sunny我是雨水看一看我們經過的時光你感受到些什麼?Don"t you have to go nowAway from meThe time for loversSometimes endSome kinds can be stayingMine must leave again現在你難道不是不得不離開了嗎?不得不離開我戀人們共處的時光有時會走到終點有一些可以僥倖存留我的卻再一次,不得不終結If you are the sunI"m the rainLook at the time nowWhat do you feelYou were the sunAnd I was the rainOpen and rise nowDo I look the same你是Sunny我是雨水敞開你的心扉我看起來還是原來的我嗎?If you are the sunI"m the rainYou are the sunI"m the rainYou are the sunI"m the rain

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