  • 1 # 飝虪齺魕爧蠿齺爩麤








  • 2 # 主機機機機機機機

    我朋友很小就喜歡抄同學作業,小學抄,初中抄,高中抄,就連高考也抄,最終,它僅僅靠著抄襲就進入了自己心儀的大學——某計算機學院。 畢業後,這朋友帶著自己的簡歷,前往一家家招聘企業投送。幾乎每一個接待它的公司,一聽他的畢業學校,都會立馬刮目相看,並讓他回家等通知。100家,200家,300家,接連投送數百份簡歷後,這朋友依然沒有收到公司的面試通知,於是爬上了自家的天台。 正當他準備結束自己的生命的時候,突然看到樓下有一輛五菱宏光刷著鮮豔的廣告,用農村廣播的擴音喇叭播放著緊急招聘,條件從優,沒有限制的聳動內容。這朋友一想難道是上天眷顧,於是走下天台跑下樓,一頭鑽入了麵包車裡。 進入汽車的那一剎那,朋友傻眼了。別看這是一輛五菱宏光,但顯然是經過精心改裝過的車輛。內部富麗堂皇,真皮按摩座椅,全車氛圍燈系統……本來還激動的朋友突然緊張起來,這樣深藏不露的招聘,自己真的可以嗎? “你是來應聘的?”一位穿著華麗的人問到。 “我……我……”我朋友一時慌了神,不知從何說起。 “說下你的學歷吧,哪裡畢業,有什麼擅長,對我們公司未來有什麼打算?”對方和藹的問。 “我……我畢業於……嗯……嗯……我覺得我能……公司未來是……這個……”朋友支支吾吾,幾乎語無倫次。 “你不用說了!”面試的這位突然臉色變了,走出車外揮手喊來周邊幾十個正在貼招聘廣告的工人,說到:“還是換個地方吧,這裡沒我們要的人才,都是什麼都不會的人!” 聽到這裡,我那朋友內心像打翻了五味瓶,真不是滋味。想想自己從小到大,一路如魚得水,最後沒想到畢業居然找不到工作,甚至臨死都被上天作弄,它再也無法忍受了,自己內心的怨言,如火山一樣瞬時爆發。 只見他突然跳下五菱宏光,用雙拳憤怒的砸著車窗,撕心裂肺的怒吼道:“老子會抄!老子會抄!老子TMD會抄!”說吧仰天大叫,淚水順著面頰流淌了下來。 這一舉動,讓現場的幾十人,包括面試者都瞬間沉寂了。我這朋友看看四周呆滯的目光,再看看驚訝的那位領頭人眼神,心想還是走回天台,痛痛快快了解一生來的痛快,就在他轉身想要邁向單元門的時候,身邊幾十人突然爆發出雷鳴般的掌聲,他驚訝的回頭張望,沒想到面試官衝上來激動的握住他的手說:“歡迎你加入迷你世界專案組!”

  • 3 # 1313解說

    迷你世界算個什麼東西,因為迷你世界盜版我的世界,瑞典把中國告上法庭,迷你世界把中國的臉都丟出過門了,最後網易花了10億美元才買回來了我的世界中國版的版權,迷你世界捅的簍子,我的世界替你們承擔了,你們現在還要來罵我的世界,臉呢?你們居然還玩兒這種喪權辱國的遊戲,真是丟華人的臉 迷你狗不要跟我談什麼愛國,版權都不買還在這裡亂叫,這要是被外國的知道,他們肯定會認為中國真垃圾,就只會抄襲,多丟人啊,迷你還用愛國,都要把國的臉都丟光了。 總結:迷你 世界抄襲了多少種遊戲! 1.我的世界(大量抄襲,抄襲元素不低於70%) 2.王者榮耀(主介面不解釋) 3.植物大戰殭屍二(死亡時的墓碑) 4.小小帝國(聯機圖示) 5泰拉瑞亞(各種陶罐) 6.生存戰爭(水中的魚) 7史萊姆牧場(你們的糰子不解釋) 8.被塵封的故事(樹的材質,喵的一模一樣啊) 9.瘋狂原始人(面板真是醉了) 10.進化戰爭(石矛,木棒) 11,拾荒工傑克(你們最近出的傳送門和拾荒工傑克裡的一個星球很像啊) 12.迷你英雄(抄襲了面板) 13.饑荒(小蜘蛛) 還有很多條,在此不一一列舉 可以轉走讓那些迷你狗無話可說

  • 4 # 踩著裙襬過夕陽



  • 5 # 丨略略略丶

    The company is located in: Mobile phone users 64031501810 My friend liked to copy classmates at an early age. She copied elementary school, junior high school and high school, and even the college entrance exam was copied. In the end, it just entered her favorite university - a computer college by plagiarism. After graduation, this friend with his resume, to a home recruitment business delivery. Almost every company that receives it, as soon as he listens to his graduation school, will immediately take notice and let him go home and other announcements. 100, 200, 300, after sending hundreds of resumes, this friend still did not receive the company"s interview notice, so climbed their own roof. Just as he was about to finish his life, he suddenly saw a Wuling Hongguang downstairs with a bright advertisement downstairs. He used the loudspeaker on the rural radio to broadcast the urgent recruitment, favorable conditions and unlimited restrictions. This friend would like to wonder God is blessing, then walked down rooftop downstairs, one into the van. Into the car that moment, friends dumbfounded. Do not look at this is a Wuling Hongguang, but apparently well-modified vehicles. Interior magnificent, leather massage seats, the whole car atmosphere lamp system ... ... had excited friends suddenly nervous, so deep hidden recruitment, you really can do? "Are you coming to apply?" A gorgeous person asked. "I ... I ... ..." My friends panic moment, I do not know where to start. "Say it under your qualifications, where graduation, what good, what is the future of our company plan?" Kindly asked each other. "I ... I graduated from ... um ... um ... I think I can ... The future of the company is ... this ..." "My friends, almost incoherent. "You do not have to say!" The sudden change of face of the interview changed, walked out of the car waved to the surrounding dozens of workers are posted ads, said: "Or a different place, where we did not want talent, are Is not what people! "Heard here, my friend inside like a spilled bottle of flavors, really not taste. Think of myself from childhood to age, all the way to life, and finally did not expect graduation actually could not find a job, and even mortified have been made to heaven, it can no longer tolerate, his heart of complaints, like a volcano, the instantaneous eruption. I saw him suddenly jumped Wuling Hongguang, smashed the window with his furious anger, piercing shouted: "I will copy! I will copy! I will copy TMD!" Flowing down the cheeks. This move, so that the scene of dozens of people, including interviewers are instant silence. My friend glances around the dull eyes, and then look at the leader of the surprised look, I thought or walked back to the rooftop, to understand the joy of a lifetime, just as he turned to want to move toward the unit door, Thousands of people around suddenly burst into thunderous applause, he looked back surprised, did not expect the interviewer rushed excited to hold his hand and said: "Welcome to the mini world project team! Created on 2018.2.14

  • 6 # 浮夢的草莓果醬鴨


  • 7 # 快樂童年20


  • 8 # 寶寶43876526


  • 9 # 心青年的話


  • 10 # YraniB



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  • 浴肆避鬼文言文翻譯?