  • 1 # W小二

    《Jai Ho》收錄在《貧民窟的百萬富翁》電影原聲專輯裡面Jai Hot ! / 勝咯!(I got) shivers (shivers) / 我全身(全身)發抖(發抖)When you touch away / 你一挪開觸控我的手I will make you hot / 我會令你全身發熱Get all you got / 分享你的收穫I will make you wanna say / 我會令你想要呼喊Jai Ho, Jai Ho / 勝咯!勝咯!I got (I got) fever (fever) / 我頭腦(頭腦)發熱(發熱)Running like a fire / 全身滾燙似火For you I will go all the way / 我願為你跋山涉水I wanna take you higher / 我要令你如痴如醉Jai Ho / 勝咯!I keep it steady/ 我穩穩擺動身體Cause steady is how I feel it (Jai Ho) / 因為我感覺十分安穩 (勝咯!)This beat is heavy, so heavy / 這鼓點有力,鏗鏘有力You gon feel it / 你馬上會有感覺(Jai Ho)You are the reason that I breathe / (勝咯) 只因有你我才得以呼吸(Jai Ho)You are the reason that I still believe / (勝咯) 只因有你我才依然相信(Jai Ho)You are my destiny / (勝咯) 你是我的歸宿Jai Oh! Uh-uh-uh-oh! / (勝咯) 哦,哦,哦,噢!(Jai Ho)No there is nothing that can stop us / (勝咯) 沒什麼能夠阻止你我(Jai Ho)Nothing can ever come between us / (勝咯) 咯沒什麼能夠拆散你我(Jai Ho)So come and dance with me / (勝咯) 快過來與我共舞Jai Ho! (oohh) / 勝咯 (哦哦哦噢)Catch me, catch me, catch me, c‘mon, catch me / 抓住我,抓住我,抓住我,快來,抓住我I want you now / 我想要你啦I know you can save me, come and save me / 我知道你會來救我,快過來救我I need you now / 我需要你啦I am yours forever, yes, forever / 我永遠非你莫屬,對,非你莫屬I will follow / 我願跟你走Anywhere in anyway/ 哪怕到天涯海角Never gonna let go / 永遠也不會跟丟Jai Ho,Jai Ho / 勝咯!勝咯!Escape (escape) away (away) / 逃離(逃離)這裡(這裡)I"ll take you to a place / 我會把你帶到新天地This fantasy of you and me / 這神奇世界只有你與我I"ill never lose the chase. (Jai Ho) / 這追逐我永遠不會放棄(勝咯!)Yeaahhhh (Jai Ho) Yeaahhhh / 呀嘿嘿嘿衣呀啊 (勝咯!) 呀嘿嘿嘿衣呀啊I can (I can) feel you (feel you) / 我能(我能)感到(感到)Rushing through my veins / 你正在我體內湧動There"s an notion in my heart / 我心已確信無疑I will never be the same / 我就要獲得重生(Jai Ho)Just keep it burnin", yeah baby / (勝咯!)就這樣繼續燃燒,耶,寶貝Just keep it comin" / 請繼續走向高潮(Jai Ho)You"re gonna find out, baby / (勝咯!) 咯你馬上就會發現,寶貝I"m one in a million / 我可是萬里挑一(Jai Ho)You are the reason that I breathe / (勝咯) 只因有你我才得以呼吸(Jai Ho)You are the reason that I still believe / (勝咯) 只因有你我才依然相信(Jai Ho)You are my destiny / (勝咯) 咯你就是我的歸宿Jai Oh! Uh-uh-uh-oh! / 勝咯, 哦,哦,哦,噢!(Jai Ho)No there is nothing that can stop us / (勝咯) 沒什麼能夠阻隔你我(Jai Ho)Nothing can ever come between us / (勝咯) 沒什麼能夠拆散你我(Jai Ho)So come and dance with me / (勝咯) 快過來與我共舞Jai Ho! (oohh) (You and me, it"s destiny) / 勝咯!噢 (你與我,命裡註定)Catch me, catch me, catch me, come and catch me / 抓住我,抓住我,抓住我,快來,抓住我I want you now / 我想要你啦I know you can save me, come and save me / 我知道你會來救我,快過來救我I need you now / 我需要你啦I am yours forever, yes, forever / 我永遠非你莫屬,對,非你莫屬I will follow / 我願跟你走Anywhere in anyway/ 哪怕到天涯海角Never gonna let go(Jai Ho) / 永遠也不會跟丟 (勝咯!)(Yeaahhhh), Jai Ho / (呀哎呀哎呀哎呀呀) 勝咯!(Yeaahhhh), Jai Ho / (呀哎呀哎呀哎呀呀) 勝咯!I need you / 我需要你Gonna make it,(Jai Ho) / 馬上就去爭取(勝咯!)I"m ready / 我已就緒So take it! / 快來拿去(Jai Ho)You are the reason that I breathe / (勝咯) 只因有你我才得以呼吸(Jai Ho)You are the reason that I still believe / (勝咯) 只因有你我才依然相信(Jai Ho)You are my destiny / (勝咯) 你是我的歸宿Jai Oh! Uh-uh-uh-oh! / 勝咯, 哦,哦,哦,噢!(Jai Ho)No there is nothing that can stop us / (勝咯) 沒什麼能夠阻止你我(Jai Ho)Nothing can ever come between us / (勝咯) 沒什麼能夠拆散你我(Jai Ho)So come and dance with me / (勝咯) 快過來與我共舞Jai Ho! (oohh)(You and me, it"s destiny) / 勝咯!噢 (你與我,命裡註定)Jai Ho! / 勝咯!Baila baila! / 跳啊,跳啊!Baila baila! / 跳啊,跳啊!Jai Ho! / 勝咯!Baila baila! / 跳啊,跳啊!Jai Ho! / 勝咯!

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 第一次紋身時,你有何感受?