  • 1 # 使用者4800911713235

    素胚勾勒 出青花 筆鋒濃轉淡 Dark to thin immerges the blue and white瓶身描繪的牡丹一如你初妝 Peony profiles on that reflect your dressing by冉冉檀香 透過窗 心事我瞭然 I Understanding your secrect when the sanders smell permeate from the window宣紙上走筆至此擱一半 What makes me lay the brush down I sigh  釉色渲染 仕女圖 韻味被私藏 In glaze covering hides the charm of paints而你嫣然的一笑如含苞待放 While your smile blossoms like breeze 你的美一縷飄散 去到我去不了的地方 Regretting to leave it gone till the untouchable space  天青色等煙雨 而我在等你 Skyblue waiting for the rain as I waiting for you 炊煙裊裊升起 隔江千萬裡 Mist rises I find thousands miles away distant to 在瓶底書漢隸仿前朝的飄逸 Only have to devote in artical carving 就當我為遇見你伏筆 As a hint foreshadowing when I meet you   天青色等煙雨 而我在等你 Skyblue waiting for the rain as I waiting for you 月色被打撈起 暈開了結局 Drawing down the moonlight it reveals the move如傳世的青花瓷自顧自美麗 你眼帶笑意 Lonely but pride the porcelain shines as the smile in your eyes色白花 青的錦鯉 躍然於碗底 Fish carving down a moment, vivid, how"s that臨摹宋體 落款時 卻惦記著你 Signature there I cann"t get rid of the missing thought你隱藏在窯燒裡 千年的秘密 Your legendary has being passed down over thousands of years極細膩猶如繡花針落地 In my eyes still it"s so visible, obvious hits  簾外芭蕉 惹驟雨 門環惹銅綠 The shower meets my outdoor trees and patina fills the old days而我路過那江南小鎮惹了你 Aged waiting in the small south town tells out my stay在潑墨山水畫裡 你從墨色深處被隱去 Splashing of ink is my last choice to conceal the replay天青色等煙雨 而我在等你 Skyblue waiting for the rain as I waiting for you 炊煙裊裊升起 隔江千萬裡 Mist rises I find thousands miles away distant to 在瓶底書漢隸仿前朝的飄逸 Only have to devote in artical carving 就當我為遇見你伏筆 As a hint foreshadowing when I meet you天青色等煙雨 而我在等你 Skyblue waiting for the rain as I waiting for you 月色被打撈起 暈開了結局 Drawing down the moonlight it reveals the move如傳世的青花瓷自顧自美麗 你眼帶笑意 Lonely but pride the porcelain shines as the smile in your eyes

  • 2 # 悅讀理解

    Green Flower Porcelain(青花瓷英文版)  You are the face that has changed my whole world.  You are the face that I see everywhere I go.  You are so beautiful to me that I can’t explain ,  Just like a green flower porcelain.  You’re like a moon that I awaken to say hello,  So beautiful and bright that you make me  content to play it so.  I see your face on the leaves,telling me  how lonely I have been.  This is a dream of mine that I have just dreamed.  Just see your smiling face everywhere I go.  The love I feel for you to shine inside me.  But it’s all over now you’re gone.  This is a dream of mine that I have just dreamed.  Just see your smiling face everywhere I go.  The love I feel for you to shine inside me.  But it’s all over.  You are the face that has changed my whole world.  I’m sure the sea hasn’t inspired your sweet blue eyes.  You are a gift from heaven beauty that remains.  Just like a green flower porcelain.  You’re like a moon that I awaken to say hello,  So beautiful and bright that you make me content to play it so.  I see your face on the leaves,telling me how lonely I have been.  This is a dream of mine that I have just dreamed.  Just see your smiling face everywhere I go.  The love I feel for you to shine inside me.  But it’s all over now you’re gone.  This is a dream of mine that I have just dreamed.  Just see your smiling face everywhere I go.  The love I feel for you to shine inside me.  But it’s all over.  This is a dream of mine that I have just dreamed.  Just see your smiling face everywhere I go.  The love I feel for you to shine inside me.  But it’s all over now you’re gone.  This is a dream of mine that I have just dreamed.  Just see your smiling face everywhere I go.  The love I feel for you to shine inside me.  But it’s all over.  漢語:  素胚勾勒出青花筆鋒濃轉淡  瓶身描繪的牡丹一如你初妝  冉冉檀香透過窗心事我瞭然  宣紙上走筆至此擱一半  釉色渲染仕女圖韻味被私藏  而你嫣然的一笑如含苞待放  你的美一縷飄散  去到我去不了的地方  天青色等煙雨  而我在等你  炊煙裊裊升起  隔江千萬裡  在瓶底書漢隸仿前朝的飄逸  就當我為遇見你伏筆  天青色等煙雨  而我在等你  月色被打撈起  暈開了結局  如傳世的青花瓷自顧自美麗  你眼帶笑意  色白花青的錦鯉躍然於碗底  臨摹宋體落款時卻惦記著你  你隱藏在窯燒裡千年的秘密  極細膩猶如繡花針落地  簾外芭蕉惹驟雨  門環惹銅綠  而我路過那江南小鎮惹了你  在潑墨山水畫裡  你從墨色深處被隱去  歌曲:Endless Road (江南)  歌手:林俊杰  The truth is tearing up my heart  真相撕裂了我的心  I can"t recognize this place  我對所在完全陌生  the endless road without a stop sign  沒有休止符的 無盡的道路  cant even find a stranger this time  此刻甚至無法找到一個不相識的過客  # why am i still holding back my tears  為什�N我還要強忍淚水  in this loneliness there"s nothing to fear  在寂寞的時候該沒有什�N好怕的  every chord still seems so wander  卻仍感覺到每條心絃的迷惘  how we could be together  為什�N我們能在一起  everytime i ask if this would be the last  每次我都說要問我自己最後一次  why am i still talking to myself  為什�N我還是在自言自語  hoping you will have the keys to my cell  希望你將擁有開啟我(囚禁我自己)牢房的鑰匙  every song might calm the weather  (你唱的)每一首歌都好像能驅逐陰霾  but it just draws me deeper  但卻只讓我越陷越深  how do i get out of this  我該怎�N掙脫  i think i never will...  我想我永遠做不到......  a crystal forming in the eye  在眼中結了水晶(般的淚)  maybe this will be the last  也許這將會是最後  the winding path down my face  風的腳步從我臉上踏過  till i begin to taste the bitterness inside  當我開始品嚐內在的苦澀

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 每年都給外甥壓歲錢,但姐姐從來不還禮,還需要再給嗎?