  • 1 # 小城大事會

    All alone I have started my journey 我獨自踏上旅程

    To the darkness of darkness I go 前方一片迷朦

    With a reason, I stopped for a moment 當一切化只剩美好回憶

    In this world full of pleasure so frail 我邁開腳步不再等

    Town after town on I travel 經過一村又一莊

    Pass through faces I know and know not 看過熟悉和陌生的面龐

    Like a bird in flight, sometimes I topple 象永不停歇的飛鳥

    Time and time again, just farewells 我一次次告別,飛向遠方

    Donde voy,donde voy 哪兒是我要去的地方

    Day by day, my story unfolds 黑夜過去又是白天,我的故事沒有完結

    Solo estoy,solo estoy 我好孤獨好孤獨

    All alone as the day I was born 一個人站在我的世界,彷彿回到從前

    Till your eyes rest in mine, I shall wander 就這樣直到遇見了你

    No more darkness I know and know not 我的世界裡不再有孤寂

    For your sweetness I traded my freedom 犧牲自由換來了甜蜜

    Not knowing a farewell awaits 卻不知等待我的還是別離

    You know,hearts can be repeatedly broken 我的心一次次破碎

    Making room for the harrow to come 留下空虛和追悔

    Along with my sorrows I buried 埋葬你的名字我的歡笑

    My tears,my smiles, your name 還有我的痛苦的眼淚

    Donde voy,donde voy 哪兒是我要去的地方

    Songs of love tales I sing of no more 愛情的歌,我不會再吟唱

    Solo estoy,solo estoy 我好孤獨好孤獨

    Once again with my shadows I roam 背上行囊,我再次去遊蕩

    Donde voy,donde voy 哪兒是我要去的地方

    All alone as the day I was born 一個人站在我的世界,彷彿回到從前

    Solo estoy,solo estoy 我好孤獨好孤獨

    Still alone with my shadows I roam 帶著孤寂,我遊蕩到天邊

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  • 生活中的名言警句?