  • 1 # 英語師範教育

    讓我們先來看看acquire, attain, gain, get四個詞的英漢雙解釋義,然後再進行區分。

    acquire /əˈkwaɪə US əˈkwaɪr/ v.

    (a) gain (something) by one"s own ability, efforts or behavior (靠自己的能力﹑ 努力或行為而)獲得, 得到(某事物)

    acquire a good knowledge of English, an antique painting, a taste for brandy, a reputation for dishonesty 學好英語﹑ 得到一幅古畫﹑ 學會喝白蘭地酒﹑ 得到不誠實的名聲

    (b) obtain (something); be given (something) 取得(某事物); 收到(某事物)

    My sister couldn"t take her desk with her to the new house: that"s how I came to acquire it. 我妹妹無法把她的書桌搬入新居, 我就是這樣才得到它的。

    We"ve just acquired a dog. 我們剛得到一隻狗。

    attain /əˈteɪn/ v.

    attain: succeed in getting (something); achieve 獲得(某事物); 達到; 實現

    attain a position of power 獲得權位

    attain one"s goal, objective, ambition, etc. 實現目的﹑ 目標﹑ 抱負等

    attain our target of50000 達到我們的50000英鎊的目標

    gain /geɪn/ v.

    (a) obtain, win (esp. something wanted or needed) 獲得, 贏得(尤指想要的或所需的事物)

    gain possession 獲得所有權

    gain access to secret information 得以接觸機密資料

    gain somebody’s affections 贏得某人的喜愛

    I gained the impression that the matter had been settled. 我得到的印象是事情已經解決了。His persistence gained him victory. 他因堅持不懈而獲勝。

    (b) get more of (esp. something wanted or needed) 得到更多(尤指想要的或所需的事物); 增加

    gain experience, power, strength, weight 增加經驗﹑ 權勢﹑ 力量﹑ 重量

    Our campaign is gaining momentum. 我們的運動在發展壯大。

    The plane rapidly gained height. 飛機急速升高。

    get /get/ v.

    get: obtain something 得到某事物

    Where did you get (i.e. buy) that skirt? 你那條裙子是從哪兒買的?

    Did you manage to get tickets for the concert? 你弄到音樂會的票了嗎?

    She opened the door wider to get a better look. 她為了看得更清楚, 把門開大了一些。

    Try to get some sleep. 去睡一會兒吧。

    He doesn"t look as though he gets enough exercise. 他似乎缺乏鍛鍊。

    Johnson got (i.e. won) the gold medal in the 100 meters. 約翰遜獲得百米金牌。

    She"s just got (i.e. been appointed to) a job with a publishing company. 她剛得到在出版公司的工作。

    Why don"t you get (yourself) a flat of your own? 你為什麼不弄套房子?

    Have you remembered to get your mother a birthday present / to get a birthday present for your mother? 記得給你母親買生日禮物了嗎?

    透過以上英漢雙解釋義和例句,我們可以看出acquire, attain, gain, get表“獲得”意思的區別。


    She acquired knowledge of English by careful study. 她認真學習而精通英語。


    He attained the position of President. 他終於當上了Quattroporte。


    He quickly gained experience. 他很快就有經驗了。


    Did they get any compensation when they were dismissed from their jobs? 他們被解僱時有沒有得到賠償費?

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