  • 1 # spades13

    枇杷的英文是loquat,音標英 [ˈləʊkwɒt] 美 [ˈloʊkw��:t] loquat英 [ˈləʊkwɒt] 美 [ˈloʊkw��:t] loquat 基本解釋名詞枇杷loquat 雙語例句Effects of storage temperatures on physiology and quality of loquat fruit.貯藏條件對枇杷貯藏期及主要品質和生理變化的影響。In the world, my favorite fruit is loquat.在這個世界上,我最愛的水果就是枇杷了。This oval-shaped loquat taste very sweet, for me it is delicious!這橢圓形的枇杷味道非常的甜,對我來說是美味可口!

  • 2 # 使用者9907634531892

    枇杷的英文是loquat,音標英 [ˈləʊkwɒt] 美 [ˈloʊkwɑ:t] loquat英 [ˈləʊkwɒt] 美 [ˈloʊkwɑ:t] loquat 基本解釋名詞枇杷loquat 雙語例句Effects of storage temperatures on physiology and quality of loquat fruit.貯藏條件對枇杷貯藏期及主要品質和生理變化的影響。In the world, my favorite fruit is loquat.在這個世界上,我最愛的水果就是枇杷了。This oval-shaped loquat taste very sweet, for me it is delicious!這橢圓形的枇杷味道非常的甜,對我來說是美味可口!

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