  • 1 # DengJun1


    1 S+V(主語+不及物動詞) 例句:

    It matters/counts.很重要。It doesn"t matter.不要緊。

    She got up early this morning.今天早上她起床早。(主謂狀,簡單句)

    The hurricane died away,causing many people homeless.颶風停了,(颶風)導致許多人無家可歸。(主謂狀,現在分詞作結果狀語,簡單句)

    After a long journey,tired but happy,they slept soundly.長途跋涉之後,雖然累但是快樂,他們安穩入睡了。(狀主謂,簡單句)

    *注意:run out,go out,look out,wash well,sell well,write well等,是不及物短語。


    1)Tom left alone,a book in the hand.手裡拿著一本書,Tom獨自離開了。(主謂狀,獨立主格結構作狀語,簡單句)

    2)She got up early this morning so that she caught the first bus.今天早上她起床早,結果趕上了首班車。(主句+從句,結果狀從,複合句)

    3)She got up early this morning so that she could catch the first bus.今天早上她起床早,為了趕上首班車。(主句+從句,目的狀從,複合句)









    1)Yesterday he left hurriedly to meet one old friend of his.

    2)Because of my carelessness,the cat vanished in the crowd.

    3)They lived happily,afer 10 years" hard work.

    4)Not knowing it,she returned home alone.

    5)Li Ming studied hard to make his mother happy. Li Ming studied hard so that he could make his mother happy.

    6)The machine,bought last month,functions well.

    2 S+LV+P(主語+系動詞+表語)例句:

    That"s it. 就這樣。 I"m sorry to hear that.抱歉聽到那個訊息。(不定式表原因,作狀語)

    It"s nice to meet you.見到你真高興。(it作形式主語,不定式作主語)

    That sounds a good idea.聽起來不錯。

    These cakes seemed untouched.這些蛋糕好像沒有人動過。

    The dish cooked by Tom tastes terrible.Tom煮的飯菜嚐起來糟糕。(過去分詞短語作定語,簡單句)

    The boy looked worried all day after the car accident.車禍之後這個男孩看起來整日悶悶不樂。(主系表狀,簡單句)

    To see is to belive.眼見為實。

    Her dream was to become a doctor in a big hospital after graduation.她的夢想就是畢業後在一家大醫院當醫生。(主系表狀,簡單句)

    It seems to rain tonight.今晚好像要下雨。(主系表狀,簡單句)


    1)It"s the fact.這就是事實。

    It"s the fact that his father passed away 10 years ago.這就是事實:他父親10年前去世了。(表語後接同位語從句,複合句)

    2)He was ill that day.那天他生病了。He was absent from the meeting.他開會缺席了。

    The reason why he was absent from the meeting was that he was ill that day.他開會缺席的理由是那天他生病了。(含兩個從句,定語從句和表語從句,reason作主語其表語從句只能由that引導,複合句)

    3)It"s necessary that we should plant more trees around the village.我們在村子周圍種更多的樹是必要的。(it形式主語,that引導主語從句,複合句)

    5)What he said just now is what we talked about yesterday.他剛才說的就是昨天我們所談論的話題。(主語從句,表語從句,複合句)

    6)My question is how they can achieve their goals.我的問題是他們怎樣才能達到目標。(含疑問語氣的表語從句,複合句)

    *常用系動詞:是,位於,似乎 be,lie,appear,seem;感官系動詞 look,feel,smell,sound,taste;表變化 come,go,become,turn,grow,get;保持不變 keep,stay,continue,remain,stand,fall;證明是 prove,turn out.









    1)She looked very disappointed,hearing the news.

    2)It seemed that/as if he knew all in such a short time.

    3) It remains unknown how the whole village disappeared overnight more than 100years ago.

    4)It"s clear that we should take measures to stop air pollution.

    5)Despite the fine weather,the project remained uncompleted/unfinished.

    6)300 years passing,the language stayed the same/unchanged.

    3 S+V+O(主語+及物動詞+賓語) 例如:

    Last week,we read a novel written by Lu Xun.上週我們讀了一本魯迅寫的小說。(分詞作定語,狀主謂賓定,簡單句)

    His encouraging words lifted my spirits those days.在那些日子裡他激勵人心的言辭振作了我的精神。(主謂賓狀,簡單句)

    We hate being laughed at in public.我們討厭在公共場合被人嘲笑。(動名詞作賓語,主謂賓狀,簡單句)

    She wants to find her daughter lost 3 years ago while shopping in the mall.她想找到3年前在商場購物時丟了的女兒。(含時間狀語,不定式作賓語,分詞作狀語,主謂賓定狀,簡單句)

    *注意:有的動詞只接動名詞作賓語(如enjoy,mind,insist on,look forward to,suggest),有的只接不定式(如refuse,decide,promise,hope,afford,pretend),有的兩者都可但有含義不同(如try,go on,remember,forget)。


    1)They don"t know which one to buy among piles of products.在成堆的產品中,他們不知道買哪個。(疑問詞+不定式相當於名詞,主謂賓狀,簡單句)

    2)The teacher gave much advice on how we should study English well.這個老師對我們怎樣學好英語提了很多建議。(介詞+賓語從句作定語,主謂賓定,複合句)

    3)She doubts if/whether I will come here on time tomorrow.她懷疑我明天是否能準時趕到這兒。(含賓從,主謂賓從,複合句)

    4)I"m sure that she can understand what I said.我確信她能理解我所說的。(兩個賓語從句,主謂賓從,複合句)

    I"m not sure whether she can understander what I said.我不確信是否她能理解我所說的。(be+形容詞相當於及物動詞,含賓語從句,主謂賓從,複合句)

    5)People say that interest plays an important role as the best teacher.常言道:興趣是最好的老師。(含賓語從句,主謂賓從,複合句)

    6)Lucy wondered why she was always the last one the teacher had thought of.Lucy納悶為何她總是老師最後才想到的學生/最忽視的學生。(含賓語從句,定語從句,主謂賓從,複合句)

    7)The police are looking into the crime which happened in the park recently.警察正在調查最近在公園發生的犯罪行為。(不及物動詞+介詞相當於及物動詞,含定語從句,主謂賓定從,複合句)

    8)We lost by one point.我們輸了一分。

    They won by six points.他們贏了六分。(不及物動詞+介詞相當於及物動詞,簡單句)

    9)The old woman has two kids to take care of at home.這個老奶奶有兩個小孩要照看。(及物動詞短語作定語,主謂賓定,簡單句)

    10)We read aloud in the moning.

    We read books aloud in the mornig.早上我們大聲朗讀。(有的動詞可以是及物動詞也可以是不及物動詞)









    1)One day he came across the boy in the street who had fought with him.

    2)The girl in white started a fast-food restaurant next to the hospital two weeks ago.

    3)Across the lake,a hunter was running afer a deer that was jumping over the river.

    4)The man dove into the icy water to save that kid drowning in the river.

    5)After a long talk with you,your words touched me deeply.

    6)Being brave and polite to others brought him to the peak of life.

    4 S+V+IO+DO(主語+及物動詞+間賓+直賓)



    Looking at the tall tree,the little girl asked her mom many strange questions.看著那棵大樹,小女孩問媽媽很多奇怪的問題。(狀主謂雙賓,簡單句)

    Those naughty children caused us much trouble in the mid-night.午夜時分那些淘氣的孩子給我們帶來巨大幹擾。(主謂雙賓狀,簡單句)

    Her mistakes made in the office cost her all the belongings.她在工作中所犯的錯誤賠掉了她所有的財產。(分詞作定語,主謂雙賓,簡單句)

    The old woman charged me 10 yuan for a basket of eggs.老奶奶一籃子雞蛋賣我10元錢。(主謂雙賓狀,簡單句)

    She called the kitten Dora,with a dog sitting next to it.在狗面前,她叫這隻貓Dora.(主謂雙賓狀,簡單句)


    1)Tom passed Lily two story books in Chinese class.漢語課上Tom遞給Lily兩本故事書。(主謂雙賓狀,簡單句)

    Tom passed two story books to Lily in Chinese class.漢語課上,Tom遞給Lily兩本故事書。(主謂賓狀,簡單句)

    2)His failure in botanic research gave us a good lesson.他在植物研究中的失敗給我們巨大啟發。(主謂雙賓,簡單句)

    His failure in botanic research gave a good lesson to us.他在植物研究中的失敗給我們巨大啟發。(主謂賓狀,簡單句)

    3)The company offered their companions great chances to train its employees at weekends.這個公司給他們同伴們提供了很好的機會,週末培訓它的員工。(不定式作定語,主謂雙賓定,簡單句)

    The company offered great chances to train its employees at weekends to their companions.這個公司給他們同伴們提供了很好的機會,週末培訓它的員工。(主謂賓定狀,簡單句)

    4)On arrival there,Granny cooked us lots of delicious dishes to our taste.一到達那兒,奶奶給我們煮了適合我們口味的飯菜。(狀主謂雙賓定,簡單句)

    On arrival there,Granny cooked lots of delicious dishes to our taste for us.一到達那兒,奶奶給我們煮了適合我們口味的飯菜。(狀主謂賓定狀,簡單句)

    5)To keep the girl from watching TV at home,the father made her a nice kite.為了使女孩遠離電視,這位父親給她做了一個漂亮的風箏。(狀主謂雙賓)

    To keep the girl from watching TV at home,the father made a nice kite for her.為了使女兒遠離電視,這位父親給她做了一個漂亮的風箏。(狀主謂賓狀,簡單句)

    6)Before school,teachers prepared students many reading materials used in class.開學前,老師們給同學們準備了許多課堂使用的閱讀材料。(狀主謂雙賓定,分詞短語作定語,簡單句)

    Before school,teachers prepared many reading materials used in class for students.開學前,老師們給同學們準備了許多課堂使用的閱讀材料。(狀主謂賓定狀,分詞短語作短語,簡單句)

    *注意:有的動詞後的雙賓語中把直賓放在間賓之前,之間用to連線,比如bring,hand,lend,mail,offer,pass,pay,read,return,sell,send,show,take,teach ,tell,write,serve(招待),throw ,owe(欠),award(頒獎);有的動詞後的雙賓語中把直賓放在間賓之前,之間用for連線,比如book(預定),buy,choose,cook,draw,find,get(取,拿),make,order(訂購),pick(採摘),prepare,save(留下),steal,fetch(取回),spare(讓出,抽出)。









    1)That summer,the father bult his lovely daughter a magnificent building beside the lake,surrounded by lots of flowers and trees.

    2)Tom walking on the way home,a boy threw him a basketball.

    3)Li Ming and Zhang Lln are close friends.Li Ming sent her her favourite food on the Eve of the New Year.

    4)Despite the bad weather,Granny picked us many apples on the trees.

    5)Starving for days,this elder brother stole some bread from the shop for his sister.

    6)Afer thinking for a moment,the mother chose some story books for her children.

    5 S+V+O+OC(主語+及物動詞+賓語+賓補)



    James wanted his little son to help him on the farm next week.James想要他的小兒子下週去農場給他幫忙。(主謂複合賓狀,不定式作賓補,簡單句)

    Many measures taken in time made the process of production more effective in the factory.及時採取的措施使工廠裡的生產過程更高效。(主謂複合賓狀,形容詞作賓補,簡單句)

    Talking and laughing on the way to school,children saw a plane crashing over the mountain.在去學校的路上有說有笑,孩子們看見一架飛機在山上墜毀。(狀主謂複合賓狀,分詞作賓補,簡單句)

    At last he had his wallet stolen on the bus.最後他的錢夾在公交車上搞丟了。(狀主謂複合賓狀,分詞作賓補,簡單句)



    1)Last Friday, we saw the old man go fishing near the river.上週五,我們看這個老爺爺去河邊釣魚。(狀主謂複合賓狀,省to不定式作賓補,簡單句)

    Last Friday,the old man was seen (by us) to go fishing near the river.上週五,這個老爺爺被(我們)看見去河邊釣魚。(狀主謂補狀,不定式作主語補足語,簡單句)

    2)Unluckily,the boss in the small factory made employees working 15 hours a day in those years.不幸的是,那些年這個小廠的老闆讓員工們一天一直工作15小時。(狀主謂複合賓狀,分詞作賓補,簡單句)

    Unluckily,employees were made (by the boss in the factory) working 15 hours a day in those days.不幸的是,那些年員工們(被這個小廠老闆迫使)一直工作一天15小時。(狀主謂補狀,分詞作主語補足語,簡單句)

    3)Hundreds of years later,that remote district kept the original life style alive before the world.千百年之後,在世人面前這個偏遠地區使這種原生態的生活方式儲存良好。(狀主謂複合賓狀,形容詞作賓補,簡單句)

    4)Returning home,he found nobody in the house.回到家裡,他發現沒人在家裡。(狀主謂複合賓,介詞短語作賓補,簡單句)

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