  • 1 # 使用者4510332006384

    東,縮寫為E全英文: east音標:英[i:st] 美[i:st] 網路短語:東 east;dungkhag;eastward東村 East Village;Higashi, Okinawa;Higashi東加 Tonga;tonga;Kingdom of Tonga 雙語例句:

    1.他獨自一人從東到西橫越整個非洲大陸。He traversed alone the whole continent of Africa from east to west.

    2.他隻身長途跋涉,從東向西橫穿整個非洲大陸。He traversed alone the whole continent of Africa from east to west.

    3.那個窗戶朝東。The window faces to the east.

    4.中國東臨太平洋。China faces the Pacific on the east.

    5.“好萊塢之東。”我母親說。"Hollywood East," my mother said.

    6.那名外科醫生看了過來,當時他正好在東河邊。And the surgeon looked over and were actually on the East River.

  • 2 # 使用者7878186475180


    全英文: east

    音標:英[i:st] 美[i:st]



    東 east;dungkhag;eastward

    東村 East Village;Higashi, Okinawa;Higashi

    東加 Tonga;tonga;Kingdom of Tonga

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