  • 1 # 米哈關愛

    be important for和be important to的區別:be important to sb. , 是說對某人很重要,強調對某人很重要的東西。eg: Money is important to her. 錢對她很重要。eg: What is important to you is also important to me. 對你重要的事對我也重要。be important for sb. 是說某事對某人的重要性,強調做某事對某人的重要性。後面要+to do的。eg:It"s important for you to do it .你做這個很重要。eg: It is important for you to get there early.早點到達對你很重要。


    importantadj.重要的;權威的;有勢力的;有地位的1、~ (to sb)重要的;有重大影響的;有巨大價值的;重要決定 / 因素例句:(1)I have an important announcement to make.我要宣佈一件重要的事情。(2)Money played an important role in his life.金錢在他的生活中扮演了重要的角色。2、(of a person 人) 影響很大的;權威的 例句:(1)an important member of the team.舉足輕重的一位隊員.(2)He likes to feel important.他喜歡感到自己很重要。

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