  • 1 # 梧桐5577

    在物質名詞,抽象名詞前不用冠詞The desk is made of wood.What is work? Work is struggle.2. 專有名詞前不加冠詞Canada, Beijing ,Lei Feng3. 名詞前有物主代詞指示代詞,不定代詞,名詞所有格修飾時this, my,that, those, these, her4、月份,星期,季節前不用冠詞Sunday March summer winter5、在表示一類人或事物的複數名詞前不用冠詞Horses are useful animals.My mother and father are school teachers.6、當一個名詞用作表語,岡位語補足語來表示某人在當時或現刻的職位或頭銜時,前面不用冠詞。He is chairman of the Students’ Union. 他是學生會主席。They elected him president of the U.S. 他們選他當美國總統。這裡指的職位大體是指獨一的職位,“主席”、“主任”都只有一個,如不是獨一的要加不定冠詞。She is a teacher of English in our school. 她是我校的一位英語教師7、在三餐前不用冠詞。breakfast, lunch, supper 如這些詞前有形容詞修飾可用不定冠詞。I had a good lunch yesterday.I have breakfast at 7 every day.8、在球類,棋類名詞前不用冠詞。Play football (basketball, Volleyball) chess※抽象名詞,物質名詞前不用冠詞,但後有定語修飾加the。He is fond of music.The music of the film is very beautiful.Science is making rapid progress in China.科學正在中國飛速發展。Physics is the science of matter and energe.物理學是物質和能量的科學(1) 稱呼語之前不加冠詞。Waiter, bring my bill, please.(2) 家庭稱謂如父母兄弟前不加冠詞,甚至傭人也都不需加冠詞。Father is out, but Mother is at home.Cook has made mince-pies for Christmas.(3) 三餐名稱前不加冠詞。Come to dinner (breakfast, lunch) with me.(4) 運動、遊戲、顏色、感官的名詞前不加冠詞。He likes basketball.White is a beautiful color.Do you play bridge?Sight is one of the five senses.(5) 表官職、身份或親屬關係的名詞當補語或作同位語時不加冠詞。He was elected president.George Ⅵ, King of England.(6) School; church; hospital等字,指原有的用途時不加冠詞,若指建築物本身或場所時,則要加冠詞。School begins at eight. (school作抽象名詞用)The school stands on the hill. (school指建築物)(7) 兩個相對的名詞並用時不加冠詞。Arm in arm; day by day; man to man; young and old為你推薦:


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