  • 1 # 致遠旅視

    In my Life 在我的一生中

    There are places I remember 有一些難忘的地方

    All my life 在我一生中

    though some have changed 儘管有些已經變遷

    Some forever not for better 有些卻最好永不變動

    Some have gone and some remain 消逝的消逝,留存的留存

    All these places have their moments 所有這些地方都能喚起

    With lovers and friends I still can recall 對情人和朋友的回憶

    Some are dead and some are living 逝者已去 生者依舊

    In my life I"ve loved them all 在我的一生中 我愛他們所有人

    But of all these friends and lovers 但所有這些朋友和情人

    There is no one compares with you 都不能和你相提並論

    And these memories lose their meaning 一旦我喜新厭舊

    When I think of love as something new 所有的回憶將失去意義

    Though I know I"ll never lose affection 儘管我知道 我永不會停止

    For people and things that went before 對故人舊事的懷念

    I know I"ll often stop and think about them 我知道我會經常停下來思念他們

    In my life I love you more 在我的一生中我更愛的是你

    Though I know I"ll never lose affection 儘管我知道 我永不會失去

    For people and things that went before 對故人舊事的懷念

    I know I"ll often stop and think about them 我知道我會經常停下來思念他們

    In my life I love you more 在我的一生中我更愛的是你

    In my life I love you more 在我的一生中我更愛的是你

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 哨兵、滅霸、死侍、綠巨人、雷神哪個強?