  • 1 # 熊貓宿舍

    "Ant family" is the "inhabited by groups of low-income college graduates," a typical summary, following the three vulnerable groups (farmers, migrant workers, laid-off workers) after the fourth-largest vulnerable groups: highly educated, primarily engaged in the insurance marketing, electronic equipment sales, advertising sales, catering services, temporary work, and some even unemployed underemployed; average monthly income of less than two thousand dollars, the vast majority there is no "three risk" and labor contracts; average age of focus on 22-29 years old, Jiucheng are "80 after" generation; the main tend to live in urban fringe or peri-urban rural areas, form a unique "inhabited village." They are like the ants of the "weak strong", they are known to a large community.(“蟻族”,是對“大學畢業生低收入聚居群體”的典型概括,是繼三大弱勢群體(農民、農民工、下崗職工)之後的第四大弱勢群體:受過高等教育,主要從事保險推銷、電子器材銷售、廣告營銷、餐飲服務等臨時性工作,有的甚至處於失業半失業狀態;平均月收入低於兩千元,絕大多數沒有“三險”和勞動合同;平均年齡集中在22―29歲之間,九成屬於“80後”一代;主要聚居於城鄉結合部或近郊農村,形成獨特的“聚居村”。他們是有如螞蟻般的“弱小強者”,他們是鮮為人知的龐大群體。)Ant Family - Main Category(蟻族-主要分類)Integrated ants and university graduates in low-income groups, the characteristics of settlements, and scholars think of this group of William named the "ant tribe," and according to the region in which the different groups, namely, ants crown them with Beijing (Beijing), Shanghai ants (Shanghai ), Jiang ants (Wuhan), Qin ants (Xi"an), Sui ants (Guangzhou), etc. call. (綜合螞蟻和大學畢業生低收入聚居群體的特點,學者廉思將這個群體定名為“蟻族”,並根據該群體所處地域的不同,分別冠之以京蟻(北京)、滬蟻(上海)、江蟻(武漢)、秦蟻(西安)、穗蟻(廣州)等稱呼。)Ant Family - Survey and Research(蟻族-研究調查)According to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan and Xi"an cities such as research shows that ant communities in each city inhabited by the number of people are quite amazing. And employment, education, compared to the population crisis highlights. As a 80 ~ 90, they are sexually active, however, ants, marital status and cohabitation status of ethnic comparison. The number of unmarried accounted for 93% of the overall investigation, married for 7%, with the opposite sex living together only 23% of migrant workers than the crisis is also worrying." "Ant Family" sexual needs hardly be met. In 93% of unmarried people in the crowd of lovers accounted for 51%, of which 23% of people chose the way of life living together, only 33% of people within the last month sex life. the national adult, the average frequency of sexual life is the one time every week or so. However, the group last month, 67% of people without sexual life. In contrast, the "ant tribe" in the nature of the demand side difficult to be met, the absence of interpersonal sexual activity would probably pass its own sex life (such as: masturbation), or other means to vent, if by other means in the largely caused by social problems. "(根據對北京、上海、廣州、武漢和西安等城市研究調查顯示,每個城市的蟻族聚居的人群數量都相當驚人。與就業、教育相比,該人群的性危機凸顯。作為80~90後,他們處於性活躍期,然而,蟻族婚姻狀況與同居狀況對比。未婚的人數佔到被調查總體的93%,結婚的為7%,與異性同居的只有23%,這比農民工性危機還令人憂慮。“‘蟻族’的性需求難以得到滿足。在93%未婚人群中有戀人的人佔51%,其中的23%的人選擇了同居的生活方式,只有33%的人在最近一個月內有過性生活。就全國成年人而言,平均性生活頻率是在每星期1次左右。然而該群體的67%的人最近一個月沒有性生活。對比之下,‘蟻族’在性需求方面難以得到滿足,人際性活動的缺失很可能會透過獨自性生活(如:自慰)或其他途徑進行宣洩,如果透過其他途徑則在很大程度上引起社會問題。”)Ant tribe - Survival Situation (蟻族-生存現狀 )Poor living conditionsLack of social securityThinking of volatile emotions, frustration, anxiety and other psychological problems are more serious, and the general reluctance to explain the real situation with his familyContacts with the outside world mainly rely on the Internet and thus give vent to their emotions(生活條件差 缺乏社會保障思想情緒波動較大,挫折感、焦慮感等心理問題較為嚴重,且普遍不願意與家人說明真實境況與外界的交往主要靠網際網路並以此宣洩情緒 )Ant communities - social issues (蟻族-社會問題)With the real-life "ant tribe," a large number of like ratio, degree of social concern, the "ant tribe" is a little known group. In contemporary society, often appear on a "migrant workers, laid-off workers and peasants" as the theme of media coverage and academic research, but the "ant clan" of academic research and media coverage, are few. In the floating population in the news media and literary works (especially the wage literature) the subject of concern, but also increasingly becoming the mainstream of academic discourse and the focus, the "ants" who is buried in the "young migrant workers", "floating population" , "School drift races", under the words, they are neither incorporated into the Government, social organizations of the management system, and rarely appears in the scholars, journalists, field of


    some extent, this was a neglected and forgotten group, which is a few people are concerned and sympathetic groups. "Ant tribe" in the mainstream discourse in the absence does not mean that they are in real life is not important.(與現實生活中“蟻族”的龐大數量想比,在社會關注度上,“蟻族”卻是一個極少為人所知的群體。現在社會上經常出現的是以“農民工、下崗職工、農民”為主題的媒體報道和學術研究,而有關“蟻族”的學術研究和媒體報道,都寥寥無幾。在外來流動人口成為新聞媒體和文學作品(特別是打工文學)關注的主題,同時也日益成為學術界的主流話語和焦點時,“蟻族”卻埋沒於“青年農民工”、“流動人口”、“校漂族”等字眼之下,他們既沒有納入政府、社會組織的管理體制,也很少出現在學者、新聞記者的視野之中。在某種程度上,這是一個被漠視和淡忘的群體,這是一個少有人關注和同情的群體。“蟻族”在主流話語中的缺失,並不代表他們在現實生活中不重要。)Ant Family - Development Trend (蟻族-發展趨勢)As the Chinese society, urbanization, demographic changes, labor market restructuring, higher education reform and a series of changes in structural factors, more and more college graduates choose employment in the big cities. Coupled with the arrival of the international financial crisis, "ants clan" in the next few years the number will increase drastically. Thus, while the "ant tribe" has not yet form a sociological sense of "social class", but the emerging of the "ant tribe" phenomenon should arouse sufficient interest and attention.(隨著中國社會城市化、人口結構轉變、勞動力市場轉型、高等教育體制改革等一系列結構性因素的變化,越來越多的大學畢業生選擇在大城市就業。再加上國際金融危機的到來,“蟻族”的數量在未來幾年內必將急劇增加。因此,儘管“蟻族”還沒有形成社會學意義上的“社會階層”,但日益顯現的“蟻族”現象應當引起社會的充分關注和重視。)Ant Family - Thoughts Comments (蟻族-思考評論)"Ant family" groups emerged from the late 1990s, promoting the industrialization of education among university enrollment. Homeopathy is often spread as a social problem. Because people pay for higher education costs, the implied expected return is higher than the general labor market after leaving school "re-pricing" the real income, have few opportunities for upward mobility of the various "ant clan" are increasingly inhabited by a proliferation of emotions, gradually leading to almost any social conflict, there will be "inconceivable to participate." "Ant family," revealed the industrialization of education is a direct manufacturing factors of disharmony. College Graduate Employment issue has been the most important task, but the "ant tribe" phenomenon appears to the state after graduation for college students sounded the alarm, universities and the education sector can not just focus on the employment figures should see that the number The following graduates of the real living conditions and their desire to change the education system unable to struggle. Zhejiang University putin24 that: 80 after a full uncertainty about the future and some rebellious, because of high prices, low wages and a large number of competition, a lot of choices of employment, Du Yan, entrepreneurship and so on, they also managed to gather in together to form the "ant tribe" to changing ourselves and creating their own future.(“蟻族”群體的出現,源於1990年代末期推進教育產業化之中的大學擴招。往往順勢擴散為社會問題。由於人們支付高教成本時隱含的預期收益高於離校後被一般勞動力市場“再定價”的實際所得,向上流動的機會不多的各種“蟻族”越來越多地聚居一處擴散情緒,遂導致幾乎任何社會衝突都會有“無厘頭參與”。“蟻族”所揭示的就是一個教育產業化直接製造的不和諧因素。大學生就業問題一直是高校工作的重中之重,但“蟻族”現象似乎在為大學生畢業後的狀態敲響警鐘,高校和有關教育部門在就業問題上不能只關注數字,更應該看到數字下面畢業生真實的生存狀況和他們渴望教育體制改變的無力掙扎。浙江大學的putin24認為:80後是充滿著對未來的迷茫和一些叛逆,由於高高的房價、低廉的工資和眾多的競爭,很多選擇了就業、讀研、創業等,他們也設法聚集在一起,組成“蟻族”去改變著自己,去創造著自己的未來。 )這樣翻譯你覺得如何?

  • 2 # 未來熊貓1

    "Ant family" is the "inhabited by groups of low-income college graduates," a typical summary, following the three vulnerable groups (farmers, migrant workers, laid-off workers) after the fourth-largest vulnerable groups: highly educated, primarily engaged in the insurance marketing, electronic equipment sales, advertising sales, catering services, temporary work, and some even unemployed underemployed; average monthly income of less than two thousand dollars, the vast majority there is no "three risk" and labor contracts; average age of focus on 22-29 years old, Jiucheng are "80 after" generation; the main tend to live in urban fringe or peri-urban rural areas, form a unique "inhabited village." They are like the ants of the "weak strong", they are known to a large community.(“蟻族”,是對“大學畢業生低收入聚居群體”的典型概括,是繼三大弱勢群體(農民、農民工、下崗職工)之後的第四大弱勢群體:受過高等教育,主要從事保險推銷、電子器材銷售、廣告營銷、餐飲服務等臨時性工作,有的甚至處於失業半失業狀態;平均月收入低於兩千元,絕大多數沒有“三險”和勞動合同;平均年齡集中在22—29歲之間,九成屬於“80後”一代;主要聚居於城鄉結合部或近郊農村,形成獨特的“聚居村”。他們是有如螞蟻般的“弱小強者”,他們是鮮為人知的龐大群體。)Ant Family - Main Category(蟻族-主要分類)Integrated ants and university graduates in low-income groups, the characteristics of settlements, and scholars think of this group of William named the "ant tribe," and according to the region in which the different groups, namely, ants crown them with Beijing (Beijing), Shanghai ants (Shanghai ), Jiang ants (Wuhan), Qin ants (Xi"an), Sui ants (Guangzhou), etc. call. (綜合螞蟻和大學畢業生低收入聚居群體的特點,學者廉思將這個群體定名為“蟻族”,並根據該群體所處地域的不同,分別冠之以京蟻(北京)、滬蟻(上海)、江蟻(武漢)、秦蟻(西安)、穗蟻(廣州)等稱呼。)Ant Family - Survey and Research(蟻族-研究調查)According to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan and Xi"an cities such as research shows that ant communities in each city inhabited by the number of people are quite amazing. And employment, education, compared to the population crisis highlights. As a 80 ~ 90, they are sexually active, however, ants, marital status and cohabitation status of ethnic comparison. The number of unmarried accounted for 93% of the overall investigation, married for 7%, with the opposite sex living together only 23% of migrant workers than the crisis is also worrying." "Ant Family" sexual needs hardly be met. In 93% of unmarried people in the crowd of lovers accounted for 51%, of which 23% of people chose the way of life living together, only 33% of people within the last month sex life. the national adult, the average frequency of sexual life is the one time every week or so. However, the group last month, 67% of people without sexual life. In contrast, the "ant tribe" in the nature of the demand side difficult to be met, the absence of interpersonal sexual activity would probably pass its own sex life (such as: masturbation), or other means to vent, if by other means in the largely caused by social problems. "(根據對北京、上海、廣州、武漢和西安等城市研究調查顯示,每個城市的蟻族聚居的人群數量都相當驚人。與就業、教育相比,該人群的性危機凸顯。作為80~90後,他們處於性活躍期,然而,蟻族婚姻狀況與同居狀況對比。未婚的人數佔到被調查總體的93%,結婚的為7%,與異性同居的只有23%,這比農民工性危機還令人憂慮。“‘蟻族’的性需求難以得到滿足。在93%未婚人群中有戀人的人佔51%,其中的23%的人選擇了同居的生活方式,只有33%的人在最近一個月內有過性生活。就全國成年人而言,平均性生活頻率是在每星期1次左右。然而該群體的67%的人最近一個月沒有性生活。對比之下,‘蟻族’在性需求方面難以得到滿足,人際性活動的缺失很可能會透過獨自性生活(如:自慰)或其他途徑進行宣洩,如果透過其他途徑則在很大程度上引起社會問題。”)Ant tribe - Survival Situation (蟻族-生存現狀 )Poor living conditionsLack of social securityThinking of volatile emotions, frustration, anxiety and other psychological problems are more serious, and the general reluctance to explain the real situation with his familyContacts with the outside world mainly rely on the Internet and thus give vent to their emotions(生活條件差 缺乏社會保障思想情緒波動較大,挫折感、焦慮感等心理問題較為嚴重,且普遍不願意與家人說明真實境況與外界的交往主要靠網際網路並以此宣洩情緒 )Ant communities - social issues (蟻族-社會問題)With the real-life "ant tribe," a large number of like ratio, degree of social concern, the "ant tribe" is a little known group. In contemporary society, often appear on a "migrant workers, laid-off workers and peasants" as the theme of media coverage and academic research, but the "ant clan" of academic research and media coverage, are few. In the floating population in the news media and literary works (especially the wage literature) the subject of concern, but also increasingly becoming the mainstream of academic discourse and the focus, the "ants" who is buried in the "young migrant workers", "floating population" , "School drift races", under the words, they are neither incorporated into the Government, social organizations of the management system, and rarely appears in the scholars, journalists, field of vision.To some extent, this was a neglected and forgotten group, which is a few people are concerned and sympathetic groups. "Ant tribe" in the mainstream discourse in the absence does not mean that they are in real life is not important.(與現實生活中“蟻族”的龐大數量想比,在社會關注度上,“蟻族”卻是一個極少為人所知的群體。現在社會上經常出現的是以“農民工、下崗職工、農民”為主題的媒體報道和學術研究,而有關“蟻族”的學術研究和媒體報道,都寥寥無幾。在外來流動人口成為新聞媒體和文學作品(特別是打工文學)關注的主題,同時也日益成為學術界的主流話語和焦點時,“蟻族”卻埋沒於“青年農民工”、“流動人口”、“校漂族”等字眼之下,他們既沒有納入政府、社會組織的管理體制,也很少出現在學者、新聞記者的視野之中。在某種程度上,這是一個被漠視和淡忘的群體,這是一個少有人關注和同情的群體。“蟻族”在主流話語中的缺失,並不代表他們在現實生活中不重要。)Ant Family - Development Trend (蟻族-發展趨勢)As the Chinese society, urbanization, demographic changes, labor market restructuring, higher education reform and a series of changes in structural factors, more and more college graduates choose employment in the big cities. Coupled with the arrival of the international financial crisis, "ants clan" in the next few years the number will increase drastically. Thus, while the "ant tribe" has not yet form a sociological sense of "social class", but the emerging of the "ant tribe" phenomenon should arouse sufficient interest and attention.(隨著中國社會城市化、人口結構轉變、勞動力市場轉型、高等教育體制改革等一系列結構性因素的變化,越來越多的大學畢業生選擇在大城市就業。再加上國際金融危機的到來,“蟻族”的數量在未來幾年內必將急劇增加。因此,儘管“蟻族”還沒有形成社會學意義上的“社會階層”,但日益顯現的“蟻族”現象應當引起社會的充分關注和重視。)Ant Family - Thoughts Comments (蟻族-思考評論)"Ant family" groups emerged from the late 1990s, promoting the industrialization of education among university enrollment. Homeopathy is often spread as a social problem. Because people pay for higher education costs, the implied expected return is higher than the general labor market after leaving school "re-pricing" the real income, have few opportunities for upward mobility of the various "ant clan" are increasingly inhabited by a proliferation of emotions, gradually leading to almost any social conflict, there will be "inconceivable to participate." "Ant family," revealed the industrialization of education is a direct manufacturing factors of disharmony. College Graduate Employment issue has been the most important task, but the "ant tribe" phenomenon appears to the state after graduation for college students sounded the alarm, universities and the education sector can not just focus on the employment figures should see that the number The following graduates of the real living conditions and their desire to change the education system unable to struggle. Zhejiang University putin24 that: 80 after a full uncertainty about the future and some rebellious, because of high prices, low wages and a large number of competition, a lot of choices of employment, Du Yan, entrepreneurship and so on, they also managed to gather in together to form the "ant tribe" to changing ourselves and creating their own future.(“蟻族”群體的出現,源於1990年代末期推進教育產業化之中的大學擴招。往往順勢擴散為社會問題。由於人們支付高教成本時隱含的預期收益高於離校後被一般勞動力市場“再定價”的實際所得,向上流動的機會不多的各種“蟻族”越來越多地聚居一處擴散情緒,遂導致幾乎任何社會衝突都會有“無厘頭參與”。“蟻族”所揭示的就是一個教育產業化直接製造的不和諧因素。大學生就業問題一直是高校工作的重中之重,但“蟻族”現象似乎在為大學生畢業後的狀態敲響警鐘,高校和有關教育部門在就業問題上不能只關注數字,更應該看到數字下面畢業生真實的生存狀況和他們渴望教育體制改變的無力掙扎。浙江大學的putin24認為:80後是充滿著對未來的迷茫和一些叛逆,由於高高的房價、低廉的工資和眾多的競爭,很多選擇了就業、讀研、創業等,他們也設法聚集在一起,組成“蟻族”去改變著自己,去創造著自己的未來。 )這樣翻譯你覺得如何?

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