  • 1 # 呼倫貝爾旅遊包車黃哥


  • 2 # 使用者2638695855163



  • 3 # 同蒲鐵路連平遙





  • 4 # 冉佳










  • 5 # 線姐愛手作

    四季中,最愛春季:萬物復甦,大地一片生機盎然,山青了,水秀了,花紅了,草綠了,就是Sunny也是金色的 鳥兒枝頭嬉鬧,人們寬衣出行!嗯,美好的季節,好好珍惜

  • 6 # 彩雲墨兩


  • 7 # 玉你相逢


  • 8 # 悅季溪流


    In April of Xinjiang, the frontier fortress of the western region is blooming like a flower, which makes countless people infatuated and intoxicate





    Yueji Stream:

    It presents a colorful Xinjiang,

    In vivid and beautiful words,

    Enjoy a visually stunning journey,

    Open up the joy of the hea


    I love April in Xinjiang most. She is so soft, romantic and elegant. I am most infatuated with the fragrant April in Xinjiang, just like the ancient poem "suddenly like a night of spring breeze, thousands of trees and pear blossom". Looking at the beautiful scenery, smelling the fragrance of flowers and listening to the sound of camel bells make people happy.


    April in Xinjiang is full of infinite customs. It can take me to the places where flowers are fragrant and grass is green, insects are singing and birds are singing, stars are shining and moons are shining. Just like the ancient poem "in April, the peach blossom in the mountain temple is in full bloom. I don"t know where to turn. At this time, we can go back to nature, simplicity, freshness and tenderness.


    April in Xinjiang is like the ancient poem "green mountains, white rivers, and the rain in the voice of Zigui is like smoke.". In April, when there were few idle people in the countryside, silkworms were planted in the fields. The beautiful April brings all things in nature. The grass grows and the Orioles fly, the apricot flowers bloom, the willows bloom green, the elm money is mellow, the frogs sing and the cicadas sing, the birds singing and the flowers are fragrant. It is hidden in the shallow and moist spring interest.


    In April, the land of Xinjiang, the river ice and snow melting, bright, green knead, bright. In the blue sky, there are leisurely kites, and the quiet bamboo forest occasionally brings the sound of rustling and flowing. Just as the ancient poem "grass is green, willow is yellow, peach blossom is disordered and plum blossom is fragrant", all things on the earth are revived, green is rendered, and the unique wind of the western region roams freely between the heaven and the earth.


    April brings the comfort of the breeze, the clear blue sky, and the green vegetation. In April, it is a poem, a picture, a mood, a little peace or some hope in life. Just as the ancient poem "the noisy birds cover the Spring Island, and the flowers fill the paradise". Everywhere green, sweet, clear and moist, full of infinite vitality and vitality. The heart is carefree and carefree, which is brilliant, prosperous and dreamlike.


    In April of Xinjiang, you will feel the joy of all kinds of things at any time. Flowers and plants are full of splendor, birds compete for song and people, and colors compete for each other. As the ancient poem "if the pear cloud and apricot rain are lingering, the sun moon is drunk for fleeting years". The buds of the trees sprang out of the head, the green shallots of the field stretched out their heads first, the vast wheat field, the green buds sprang out their heads, describing the recovery of the earth with green life, joyful and joyful.


    In the distance, the birds on the top of the trees sing a sweet song, and the cattle and sheep drink water by the stream. All kinds of famous, nameless, big and small grass are decorated with dew, glittering and shining in the sun. Just as the ancient poem "gentle catkins, melting fragrance and mist, graceful dancing". The warmth of the sun and the sweetness of the water and grass announce the recovery of the earth and the joyful look back everywhere.


    Everywhere you can see verdant trees, neat fields, green spring water. Looking up, the locust and willow trees on both sides are full of green. A string of white and yellow flowers are hidden in the green. It"s the ancient poem "wet apricot rain with clothes, cold willow wind with face". That light green, light blue, goose yellow, gray white, brocade like to reflect each other, rendering the whole April. Full of poetic vitality, overflowing in the heart.


    April wind in Xinjiang is light, sweet and moist, with the moisture of farming soil and the tranquility of green grass. They are all joyful in the clean air. As the ancient poem "free flying flowers light like a dream, boundless silk rain thin like sorrow", scattered everywhere with a touch of warm flutter. It"s like a fairy"s embroidered belt floating like mist, touching your cheek, slowly, softly and crisply, full of joy.


    In the sunset, the birds return to their nests, showing off their clear throats, chirping and singing the melodious melody of "sunset hill, colorful clouds flying, eating and returning home happily", welcoming the breeze and flowing water, singing and dancing, joyfully jumping and returning to their nests. As the ancient poem "cicadas are noisy in the forest, and birds are singing in the mountain.". In the distance, the shepherd boy played the piccolo on the back of the cattle, sometimes melodious, sometimes slow, sometimes bright, which set off a thread of serenity, a thread of fresh, a piece of sweet, all rippling in the natural green.


    I lay quietly on the soft grass, filled with the fragrance of the earth. Just like the ancient poem "green Changgou stream with willow shade, the voice of the cuckoo is called QianChuan.". The mountains are quiet with clouds, and the fences are idle with sunshine. The eyes are full of the ever-changing clouds, and the eardrums are listening to the sound of the vitality. Deeply breathing the pure air, people immediately become clear and bright, with boundless love and hope in their hearts, and let their thoughts fly.


    The serenity is like the sky, the gentle breeze, and the happiness is like the light of the sun. Just as the ancient poem "smile and see the green peaks, lingering blue water and haze". The truth of life, the goodness of mind, and the beauty of emotion reverberate in the body and mind. So that they have in the most beautiful time, life is filled with simplicity, graceful, elegant and full of warmth, vitality and vitality.

  • 9 # 靜聽夜雨19





  • 10 # 風一朵v


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