  • 1 # 一門清兒

    Blackbird I am a young maiden, my story is sad 我是一個如花少女我有的過往滿是悲傷,For once I was carefree and in love with a lad ,直到有一次我和一個少年無憂無慮的墜入愛河He courted me sweetly by night and by day他對我的愛讓我每個日夜都覺得很甜蜜But now he has left me and gone far away但是他現在卻離我遠去了。 Oh if I was a blackbird, could whistle and sing哦,如果我是一隻會吹口哨和歌唱的黑色小鳥I"d follow the vessel my true love sails in我隨著我真愛的小船起帆遠航And in the top rigging I would there build my nest我會在最高的繩索上築起我的小窩And I"d flutter my wings To his broad golden chest我也會在他那寬闊的胸懷揮動翅膀He sailed o"er the ocean, his fortune to seek 他在航行在海洋中探索者他的命運I missed his caresses and his kiss on my cheek我想念著他的擁抱和在我臉頰上的吻 Oh if I was a blackbird, could whistle and sing哦,如果我是一隻會吹口哨和歌唱的黑色小鳥I"d follow the vessel my true love sails in我隨著我真愛的小船起帆遠航And in the top rigging I would there build my nest我會在最高的繩索上築起我的小窩And I"d flutter my wings To his broad golden chest我也會在他那寬闊的胸懷揮動翅膀 And He offered to marry and to stay by my side他曾許諾會和我步入婚姻的殿堂,會一直守在我身邊But then in the morning he sailed with the tide但是就在今晨,他隨波遠航而去. I am a young maiden, my story is sad 我是一個如花少女我有的過往滿是悲傷,Oh if I was a blackbird, could whistle and sing哦,如果我是一隻會吹口哨和歌唱的黑色小鳥I"d follow the vessel my true love sails in我隨著我真愛的小船起帆遠航And in the top rigging I would there build my nest我會在最高的繩索上築起我的小窩And I"d flutter my wings to his broad golden chest我也會在他那寬闊的胸懷揮動翅膀

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 如何養生?